Chapter 58

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With all of the action that has been going on, I had completely forgotten about her. She stood across the Tennis court. Her staff in hand, a slightly worried expression on her face. She slowly approached me, keeping a comforting hand out.

"Hey, it has been a while, do you want to talk a little?" She started.

"What do you want Mira?" I asked coldly as I backed up slowly.

"I just want to talk Ryuu, like old times, remember?" She asked, keeping a normal voice.

"She's lying to you Ryuu, Raiser is feeding her this through an earpiece." Rias informed. I looked up towards Mira and frowned .

"Just like old times eh?" I asked.

"Yes, don't you want that?" She asked.

"Don't you mean is that what Raiser wants?" I asked. She realized that I knew and her expression instantly changed.

"Oh whatever, it looked like our plan failed Raiser," She said slightly annoyed as she held her hand up to her ear, "It looks like you've learned a thing or two."

"I'm over you now, you have no advantage anymore." I said. When I deployed my Sacred gear, I felt an intense pain shoot through my body.

"Careful Tsuyoshi, You have expended all of your energy with that last attack." The deep metallic voice rang out in my head.

"So now you decide to speak." I replied silently.

"You can't push yourself any further, I can tell your emotional levels are off the charts." He ordered.

"But I must, I have to prove myself!" I said. I heard him reply, but I toned him out.

"So, are you just going to stand there like a pansy, or are you going to fight?" Mira asked. An arrogant flare to her voice.

"You must be mental if you think I am going to hit you." I said. She shrugged.

"Oh well, I guess finally kicking your ass is going to be easier than I thought." She said. Seconds later, I felt her staff slam into my stomach. As I collapsed onto one knee, she spun the bund of compressed wood. As the opposite end came flying at me, I raised my metal right arm and blocked her attack.

"Not bad, not a lot of people can block something like that first try." She said.

"Now it's my turn." I said. I flipped open my palm and quickly primed up a ball of energy. Mira's eyes shot open when she realized what I was about to do. She dropped to the ground as the massive beam of plasma blasted off, melting the three-story tall tree's as it flew off into the distance.

She spun around on the ground, taking out my legs. I felt my body starting to fly to the ground. She placed her foot on my chest and slammed me into the ground.

"Nice try, but I am much smarter than the other dumbasses you've versed tonight." She taunted. I grabbed onto her ankle and twisted it. Mira turned with the spin and landed on her feet a few feet in front of me, I quickly rose to me feet, just to have Mira send her foot crashing into my head. As I fell to the ground, I placed my right arm down and rolled into the fall. I jumped to my feet, my muscles aching.

"You can't push yourself anymore Tsuyoshi." Rozuko said.

"I have to," I said, "I can't let her win this."

''If you continue to push yourself, she will win!'' He shouted. I ignored him and shot another peam towards Mira, she ducked under the blast. As the massive bulge of energy dimmed down, she came flying out of nowhere, her foot flying towards my chest. At the last second, I grabbed her small foot, but I instantly regretted it as Mira spun around and brought her foot across my face. As I backed up, she slammed her staff into my stomach with incredible momentum, sending me skidding across the ground.

"For someone who has such great power in him, you really are pathetic," Mira Mocked. She slowly approached me, "Just like that Queen of yours, she didn't stand a chance to Yubelluna, we all knew going into this that this would be an easy fight, that's why I asked the rest of the girls to save you for me, looks like they didn't have to."

"That's some pretty shitty things to say about your own house." I said with a distaste. Who could say such mean things about people they live with.

"Well, they may be pathetic, but at least they aren't as pathetic as that excuse for a queen you guys have." She said. I felt something down inside me break. First, she pretends to fall for me, then she smashes me to the ground, and now she makes fun of others in my House.

"That's it!" I shouted. I fired up my Sacred gear, lightning sparking over the metal surface, and began a charge towards Mira. As I passed her, she jumped up and kicked me in the back of the head, sending my body tumbling forwards. I sprung back up, faster than before. I jumped towards her and grasped her staff. I yanked the staff towards me, assisting Mira with slamming her foot into my stomach.

I stumbled back a little, I shook my head, readjusting my focus. I rushed Mira again, this time grabbing her staff in my left hand. She smiled tauntingly. She swung her foot up to my head, this time I was clever enough to dodge it. Her foot flew over me. As I rose back up, I brought my Sacred Gear upwards at a sharp angle, with a sharp snapping sound. The large chunk of solid compressed wood separated with a loud snapping sound. Bits of debris scattered into the air. Through the shattered bits of wood revealed Mira's Bemused expression. Before she could react, I threw my side of the staff to my side and slammed my body into hers. As we fell to the ground, I planted my left forearm across her narrow shoulders, locking her in place. Both of my feet on either side of her torso so she couldn't move. I raised my Sacred Gear in the air, but before I could move, Mira let out a cry.

"Ryuu wait, Please." She cried. I felt her small hands grab my arms.

"What is it now?" I growled.

"It-It was all a lie!" She exclaimed.

"What the hell kind of an excuse is that?"

"I-I was supposed to act cute around you and break your spirit, but I didn't want to." She said.

"Stop it with the bullshit Mira!" I shouted.

"I'm not lying, I never wanted to say those things, I was ordered to, I still to love you." She said, a hint of sadness stirring in her voice. I felt my heart sink.

"No, you're lying, stop messing around with my emotions." I said deeply.

"I'm not lying, at first maybe, but after our second date.... I started enjoying it." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When I came over to your house the night before we met again, the House of Phoenix didn't even know I was at your house." She said with embarrassment.

"Y-You weren't lying?" I asked. She smiled a little.

"No, I wasn't," She said, another warm smile spread across her face, "Now, can you please let me go?" I felt my body go numb, she lied again.

"You were lying again?" I said angrily, I felt multiple emotions spread across my body, sadness overpowering them all.

"No, Ryuu-"

"No! I'm not letting you say anything more, all you have been doing is messing with my emotions to try and win this game!" I shouted. I felt tears start to rush from my eyes.

"Ryuu... But, I-I love you." She said. The words hit like a shot in the heart. I paused for a Moment, tears rushing down my face. I raised my Sacred Gear in the air and activated the Lightning.

"Fuck- You." I said before bringing my arm down. Before my fist even reached her, the power struck her, she instantly vaporized into small blue orbs of light. My cost slammed into the ground, shattering all rock and rubber with ease. I paused for a minute.

"Fuck you!" I said, I slammed my left fist into the ground, a loud cracking sound reaching my ears.

"Fuck you!" I slammed my Sacred Gear back into the ground. I continued repeating the same words as I kept slamming both hands into the ground whilst repeating the same two words. My left hand ached worse than I have ever felt before. After a few moments, I slowed down and fully collapsed to the ground. As I lay crying, a thought was brought to my mind...

One left...

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