Chapter 34

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"Lesson 3." Koneko said as she slammed her foot into Issei's chest, catching us both by surprise. Issei flew back into a nearby tree.

"That was lame." Koneko said, emotionlessly as normal, "What've you got Ryuu?" She asked.

"Um, I don't hit women." I said in concern, I don't want to get my ass kicked, but I clearly don't want to hurt Koneko.

"Well, you are going to have to get over that no eyes, you are going up against a goup of females after all." She said before breaking into a run towards me. When she was a couple of feet from me, she jumped into the air, extending her left foot. My reflexes reacted and I grabbed her ankle. But in a fraction of a second, she spun herself around and drove her right heel into my temporal. I let go of her and stumbled around as I grabbed my head. For such a short person, she kicks hard.

"Hey! I'm not finished!" Issei shouted. He broke into a sprint towards Koneko, as he threw himself towards her, she jumped into the air and slammed her foot into the back of his head. Issei fell to the ground face fist seconds before Koneko landed in his back. She hooked her legs around his neck and flipped him onto his back.

"You need to learn to strike with precision at your victims core." Koneko said.

"Hey, what the hell was that for?" I asked. Without warning, Koneko flipped Issei effortlessly into the air. I looked up just in time for him to come crashing down onto me.

"Is that all you guys got?" Koneko asked. I pushed Issei's crippled body off of me and got into fighting stance.

"Bring it on." I said in the most challenging voice as possible.

Koneko smiled before running at me again. I threw a light punch, but before I could react, she pushed my fist out of her way, slamming into my chest with the full velocity of her run. I let out a cough as I flew onto the ground. As I lay there in defeat she walked over and squat down beside me.

"Now can you see why you need to learn that it's not always bad to fight with a woman." She said. She patted my forehead a couple of times before standing up.

"But how can I do that? Hitting woman is wrong," I whimpered, "This sucks."

"Here let me help you with it then." She said as she walked away. I noticed at the edge of my vision, Issei was sneaking up behind Koneko. He slyly snuck his way until he was right behind her.

"Never turn you back on yo-" Issei started before Koneko grabbed onto his right arm and flung him over her shoulder. He hit the ground with a loud thud, the twigs snapping with an immensely loud cracking sound.

"As I was saying," Koneko said as she dusted off her hands, "Ryuu if you want, you can pretend that I'm that stone cold bitch."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically, "I don't want to hurt you Koneko."

"Trust me, it takes a lot to hurt me." She said.

"Okay fine, I guess I can try." I said.

I closed my eyes for a second, and when I opened them I couldn't believe myself. Instead of seeing Koneko standing there, I saw Mira. The same cocky smile spread across her face. Her right hand was set on her cheek, in the left, she clutched the same staff she struck Issei with.

"Oh Ryuu, you're such a wimp," She said, "If you won't hit women, then how do you expect to pleasure your partner in the future."

"That's so messed up, who could possible be into that?" I asked in a raised tone.

"Oh please, you know some girls like it rough," She said in a somewhat sexual way. She positioned her staff in between her legs, "I guess that's why I have always preferred Raiser over you." I suddenly felt my heart sink. My anger was finally starting to boil over.

"That's It!" I shouted. Without thinking I pushed off into a run towards Mira. She shot out her staff as if she was going to strike me in the stomach. My brain reacted at the last second and I jumped over her staff. Before I could do anything, I felt both of her hands on my thighs, the next thing I knew, I was being flipped completely over her. I fell on my back with a loud thud, a wave of pain shot through my body.

As I lay on the ground gasping for air. I saw Mira's blue pony tails come in to view, followed by her face, and her boastful smile. She let out a little laugh before straining her back and pointing her staff only centimetres away from my face. I sat there for a couple of seconds in complete defeat before Mira said something.

"Wow, you were taken out by a girl that is three quarters your height, what a loser." She said in an arrogant voice. Once again, I felt my anger boil over, I lost all control over my movements. I grabbed the end of her staff and rolled out from underneath her. When I rose to my feet I grabbed her staff with my other hand and swung her over me. She landed softly on her feet before pulling me towards her forcefully. I kept a good grasp on the staff, until she sent her foot flying into me with the aid of my momentum. I closed my eyes as I gasped for air again. When I opened my eyes I saw Mira waiting for me for a split second before she sent her fist flying into my face with tremendous force. As I hit the ground, I felt Mira climb on top of me, she pressed her knees on my shoulders so I couldn't move.

"Ryuu." She said in a teasing manner.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Ryuu." She said in a normal voice.


"Ryuu!" She yelled before slapping me across the face.

"Ryuu snap out of it." I let out a gasp as I opened my eyes to Koneko's hazel eyes staring down at me.

"What the hell was that Ryuu?" Issei shouted.

"I-I don't know, I guess I just blacked out." I said in panic.

"You blacked out?!" Issei shouted, "Bullshit!"

"What do you mean Issei?" I asked.

"You tried to kill Koneko!" Issei shouted. I looked back towards Koneko who was starring at me with hatred. I noticed a little pink on her cheeks that wasn't there a minute ago.

"That means you must have pictures her," Koneko started, "Instead of me."

"Well, uh I, uh, well-" I started. I never imagined Koneko being so, sensitive. I lay there, mumbling and shuddering whilst trying not to respond in a harsh way before I felt Koneko's fist slam into my chest. I let out a gasp as all the air in my lungs rushed out of my mouth and nose. She climbed off of me and stood.

"Come on no eyes, we have a lot more training to do." She said before walking past Issei, she looked more hurt than I imagined, but I don't understand why she got so worked up over something she said I could do. She is so random, one moment she is giving advise, the next she is ripping your throat out? She makes no sense. I'm just glad I'm not on her shit list. But I think I might have just added myself to it...

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