Chapter One

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    "Are ya mad!? I can't take me niece to the beach! I know you would like to come along but it's very,very dangerous!" Murdoc shouts.

Murdoc. A man who has been an uncle to you since the very beginning. Not biological, more like a family friend. He has always been very protective over you, and when you spent time with him he treated you as if you were his daughter. He never said or did anything perverted or sexual towards you and you two always seemed to get along. He is the leader and bass player of the band called Gorillaz. You've listened to Gorillaz before, of course. That was the only music Murdoc would put on in the car or play on the boat other then his old heavy metal CDs.

   He was back in town to get some more supplies to bring down to the horrible plastic island he currently called home. The usual cigarettes, rum and other alcohol, guitar strings, hardware parts, tools, bullets, food,water, etc. It had been a good whole since  you last spent time with the old man. You begged him to bring you back to the beach with him, just for a bit.

   "Please Mudz! I haven't seen you in forever...I want to meet your band! And see the beach! A-an-and fight off the pirates!" You pleaded.

Murdoc sighed, "Alright luv, you can come... go home and pack your things. I'll be at the dock putting this load of rubbish and supplies in the ship." He gave in. Even he had a soft spot for you and hated telling you no.

"Will do sir!" You say, jokingly saluting him and making your way to your house, off to pack your things.

"Alright let's see..what did I need to bring again?" You think out-loud, "I've got shoes, clothes, some food for on the way there, my phone is in my pocket and my charger is in this bag and..." You continued to talk to yourself, listing all of the things you had and trying to see if you forgot anything. Once you were at peace knowing everything was packed in the three bags you were bringing, you tossed your bags in the trunk of the car and drove back to the docks.

"Yeesh, you took forever! It's been at least 30 minutes!" Murdoc groans.

"Sorry, I had to make sure I had everything, this was last minute planning after all." You said getting the last of your things on board.

"Ah well, it's going to be quite a long ride, I hope you get comfortable easily." Murdoc assured you, with a pipe hanging out of his mouth.

"I'll be fine Uncle Mudz." You walked into the cabin of the boat with your stuff and set sail for Plastic Beach.

The guest part of the cabin was peaceful. You had your own little spot with a small and comfortable bed with red covers and sheets. It was getting to be late and you decided to say goodnight to Murdoc and get ready for bed.

You got in underneath the covers of your bed and snuggled up with your phone. You had a bit of internet data you could use with your phone plan before you got too far out at sea. You decided to google Gorillaz. You surprisingly never met any of the band members other than Murdoc. Sure you've seen images but you don't remember what everyone looked like exactly. The first thing you did was tap on the tab that read images.

"Wow that's an old picture of Mudz." You say to yourself. His skin was a natural color and not green. You scroll through the pictures.
"So a big hip hop man, a little Japanse girl, and a lanky, creepy looking guy...huh. What a group."
You looked for more recent pictures. After going through a bit of information, you read that the Japanese girl disappeared and in her place now seemed to be a cyborg version of her. Murdoc must've built her, you knew he loved that girl and you remembered how upset he was when she was gone. You found the girl's name was Noodle. You wondered were she was and if she was still around. You knew she'd be just a little bit younger then you by now if she were to still be alive.

You spent almost an hour looking at pictures, catching up on your uncle's background and listening to interviews. Soon your phone was low on battery and you decided to turn it off for the night. That night you thought about the members. You thought about how much of a jerk your uncle was back then and thought about Noodle still being alive and what she would look like. One thing you thought about the most was the poor boy who got hyphema from getting nailed by Murdoc's car and flying out the windshield of his car as well. You wondered if he could see. You then stopped yourself from thinking about all of these things and let the waves rock you to sleep.

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