Chapter 16

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   You hesitantly opened the door to the room where 2D an Murdoc were. 2D pulled rag off his mouth and gasped for air.
"(Y/N)! What did I tell ya about commin in here?" Murdoc looked at you.

"Who's this?" You here a British lady's voice come from a speaker.

"This Uhhh-" Murdoc and 2D said simultaneously. They squinted at each other.

"My niece.."

"My galfriend." 2D waved at you.  You smirked at him.

"Ahhh, well, Murdoc... how did your niece get on that island?" The lady questioned.

Murdoc rambled on, telling the lady about how you arrived and what for. You and 2D whispered to one and other.
"I am sorreh about this interview stuff hun... I really need to stowp gettin' into..ehhh..these scuffles or whateva with Murdoc..." he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's no worries..I just don't want you to get hurt... you are already so bruised up.. you look awful... I'm sorry about all of this..." you tiredly leaned on him and then pulled him in for a hug. His lanky arms wrapped around you.

Murdoc's voice filled the room, "And then... this lad sagged er'! When I was gone!"

"Hey could yeuw not broadcast that... or at least explain I'm Datin' her.. not seducing her because e' wanna quick fok, alrigh' ?"

   Murdoc said something under his breath and continued on with the interview after asking you and your significant other to exit the light house and go finish 'To Binge' with one and other. You walked with one and other hand in hand, happy to have left the rotting corpse that was your uncle.
   "Nono luv it's this symbol not that one," 2-D pointed his finger to the  symbol you were supposed to play "Dare. Try dat." 
You tapped a few symbols in the correct order.. "Brilliant! Well luv, all we need tah' do is record the drums and Yukimi Nagano and I gotta work on and record our vocal parts."

"Sounds good..." you said with a yawn.

"Are ya sleepy dear..?" He asked with a caring tone.

"A little." You rubbed your eyes.

"How about we take a break and watch... ehh.. The Brood? Or Dawn Of The Dead?"

"Can we watch something other then a horror film, Stu?" You asked.

"UHMM... the only other movies I ave' are... l-l-like comedy porno heh.." he pulled on the collar of his shirt with a slight red face.

"Alright whatever ya wanna watch, Stu. I'm gonna fall asleep anyways."

He shrugged and brought you back to your room, where your curled up beside him and fell right to sleep with his arm around you, laughing at the weird ass porno movie he was watching.

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