Chapter Nine

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You woke up to the sun in your face. You rolled over and faces away from it. It had startled you at first to see 2D there, but then you just put your face in his chest and put your arms around him. "Good morning, sunshine." He whispered. Then he chuckled. "What's so funny?" You asked. "Youre' hair is a mess, luv." He responded. "Aha, your bed head is goofy too." you say as you ruffle his beautiful, blue hair.

    After a bit of small chit chat with one and other you decided to pack the things back in the boat and make your way back to the island. While returning back to the beach, you both remained silent. You looked at the glassy looking surface of the salty sea and took in the view of the horizon as the sun was still coming up. The day time light woke you up very early.

You arrived at the beach at around 6:34am. You suddenly remembered that Murdoc had a little radio station set up in the light house before he had gone. He was going to have a interview for iTunes with Stuart when he returned to Plastic Beach. "Maybe there is wifi in there or cell service to check my phone in that light house." You said to yourself quietly as 2D unloaded the little boat of the little cooler and the blanket. He still kept his random pictures and melodica in the boat though. 2D approached you. He awkwardly popped the question, "Would ya like to have d-dinner...ehh.. wif me tonight? We can yeuw know.. tolk and stuffs." You accepted the offer nodding at him. He flashed  his toothless, oddly cute smile. He then frowned. "Is something wrong?" You asked. The poor guy has been acting weird after that conversation you had with him after you kissed. "Eh, it's nothin'. Come back inside wif me incase there are pirates. We can watch a movie togetha or somefink." He said quickly. 2D talked really fast sometimes and it would take a while to process what he said. There was obviously something wrong with his speech and pronunciation of things. It had to be from when Murdoc smacked him with his car. Poor guy.

    2D opened his door to his messy room/cellar area. He welcomed you to sit on his pink bed, which was surprisingly comfortable. For all the shit Murdoc has put this guy through, you thought he sorta still cared about 2D. He would never admit it though. Or it's possible he just wants 2D alive for his voice and would kill him when the band finally broke up for the last time. Who knows.

    "Would ya like to watch 'The Brood" or we can watch 'Chucky' ..I know et's not scary but et's funny to watch. I don have many movies right now but uhh just...ehh.. look around for one yeuw might be interested in. I have 'Zombie Land ' as well." He set out all of his movies. You didn't know what to pick or why he said their wasn't many. He had two piles of them on his floor. Of course most of them were zombie films and movies with Clint Eastwood in them. There was a bit of cheesy porn as well, but you weren't gonna judge. "Well how about you pick whatever you want and I can make some popcorn for us?" You asked. He agreed and you went to go make popcorn.

    On your way there you stopped by to see the broken cyborg. Feeling bad, you gave her some oil and polished a little part of her face that got dirt on it,then left her alone so she didn't try to kill you. You met Cortez in the kitchen. "Hello bird... Want some-" you looked at a note left on the counter. The note read:

'Dear (y/n),
    Would you be a dear and give Cortez his little treats? They are found in the freezer,  in the in the bottom drawer. Thanks love.
P.S. Don't fall for any of 2D's tricks. That boy has more kids then you could imagine a guy to have, all with different mothers. I don't want something to happen to you, he's not right for you, trust me.'

    "Oh..?" You said. You tossed the bag of popcorn in the microwave and opened the freezer. You grabbed the frigid bag of...eyeballs. "Why doesn't this surprise me?" You say out loud. "Want some eyeballs Cortez?" The crow cawed, flew over to you and perched on your arm. You grabbed the cold steal tweezers that were in the bag and gave him a few eyeballs. "Next thing you know there's gonna be a bowl of ears on the counter for you." You said to him petting the top of his little head.

(2D's P.O.V BC why not?)
I put a zombie movie disc in the Blue Ray player I got in my room. I don't remember what one it was, I kinda just tossed one in there. Damn... I really want to be closer to (y/n). I know I've slept with tons and tons of girls but, just kissing her I can tell I feel different about her then I did with all the others. I actually have a crush on her. I really hope she doesn't think I'm going to use her for her body like I used everyone els, minus Paula and Rachel. Though she is quite a babe, and she's definitely turned me on...oh I just wanna fu-..
My thought was interrupted by (y/n) coming into the door. "Hello, 2D. What movie did ya pick?"

(back to normal P.O.V)
    "Oh ello... I put in some random disc, I'm not sure wat one I got distracted."
"By what?" You asked.
"Ah just finkin' luv. Anyways, thanks for the popcorn..." Then he mumbled a few words, something about his voice. You put your hand on his shoulder.  "Hey, I think your voice is the sweetest thing ever." You tried to comfort him. "No et's stupid and funneh soundin'. Sure me vocals for songs are fine but, me speech is awful. Same wif me eyes and these sodding dents in me head! Why dew people even like me!? I don't understand..." After him saying that you put his hand on his right cheek and turned his head to kiss the left. " you self loath a lot, don't you?" You asked. He nodded. "Maybe you should try to think of the positive things. You have a good career and you are cute. So what if you are missing teeth and your eyes are blood shot?... You are one of the few people that can pull that off and still look really hot with those features." He raised his eyebrows. "Ya fink I'm hot?" "Uh, yeah..?" You said as if it were a question. You meant it though. He turned off the TV and put the popcorn on the floor. You looked at him puzzled. "2D what are yo-" you were cut off by his lips crashing yours suddenly and started to lean over you.

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