Chapter Thirty-Six

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2-D had been keeping track of the days passing by. He used his knife to make tally marks on the decomposing whale on your island. Today marks the second month you've been trapped here. You were thinner then ever and poor 2-D looked he was just a bag of bones. It got to the point where almost all of the food would go to him to keep him standing. He ended up consuming his parts of own
black-and-white striped shirt due to his hard-core starvation.
2-D found some cocaine in one of the green, glass beer bottles on the beach. Of course he was the one to find it. With 2-D being a huge druggie, he just
couldn't resist. He put a line of it on his thin arm and snorted it.
    While he was high, you sat back in the shade underneath a large tree, trying to not get burned to a crisp by the blistering heat. 2-D's skin wasn't pale at all like it used to be. It was very dark and tan. That dumbass ran around on the beach like he was insane. He started to dry hump a tree, insisting it was you were a guy trying to steal you from him.

"Sod off! Fhis' es' my galfriend' an' we ar' kinda busy! Dew' nowt' be evea' so rude!" He snapped. He said anything like that phrase to you when you went near him.
    "He needs mental help. I'm going to have to get him a therapist once we get out of this mess." you said to yourself out loud. It's not like he could hear you, he was off doing his own thing. All you could do at the moment was stare at him and how sloppily and fast he was trying to have sex with that tree.

2-D was high for in-between thirty and forty-five minutes before it started to wear off. His energy level slowly returned to normal. He ended up just passing out on the sand from all of the energy he used. He obviously didn't have much at first due to the lack of food and water.

"Stuart, are you okay!?" You ran up to his side, shaking his limp body. He was breathing still. You shook him a few more times before hearing a little mumble,

"Mmmhhh I don' feel good..."

You looked down on him, "Need some water...? You were high off your mind for a little bit there."

"Yeah...sowwy for finking' a tree was yeuw and almost foked' eht'....I fhougt' yeuw were commin' tew take my 'girlfriend'." He used his fingers to make little quote signs.

You giggled, "It's okay, it was funny."

    2-D took a deep breath, forcing himself to stand up. You put your arm around his waist and supported his weight with your own body, helping him get back to your little camp area.
    You set him down in your 'bed' and started to boil some salt water in a glass bottle to make it consumable. Once the water and bottle cooled off enough, you handed it over to 2-D.

"Wot's for dinna', luv?"

"Uhhh lucky for us I found seagull eggs. I'm surprised I didn't get attacked by birds when I snatched them up."

"Wow! We ave'nt had fhat' before." He said with partial excitement. Weirdo.

"Im glad it's something different, I'm sick of eating seaweed and crabs with a side of coconut milk every day." You sighed in relief, "God, I hope we can leave soon. I want to go back home as much as you do."

"Me too. I'm done wif' fhis' place. Eht's nofing' but sand, trees, and rubbish."

    You sat there thinking about how miserable you were. While you were finishing up your meal, you began to talk about what you'd do once you got off the island; where would you stay, what you'd do together, how would you find your friends, etc. When all hope seemed lost, you heard a loud sound which seemed to be coming from a large engine. You looked up at the sky in shock.

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