a/n: a brief explanation

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Damn. I can't believe it's over, honestly. Fuck. What the fuck.

Anyway. Some of you are probably wondering, What the flying fuck? What the fuck is wrong with whoever wrote this? Are they high? Have they been listening to Pretty. Odd. too much?

Well, contrary to popular opinion, I am not currently, nor have I ever been on drugs. I'm as surprised as you are to be honest.

Although, I admit I do listen to Pretty. Odd. a little more than the average person, but can you really blame me? It's a fantastic album.

Basically, here's the story behind me writing this fic.

There is an actual squash squad. I am a part of said squash squad. Bet you couldn't figure that out.

One day, as a joke, I suggested to the squad that someone write a fanfiction about the squash squad getting stuck in the TRC world. After thinking it over a bit more, I was like, lmao fuck it I'm doing this shit.

And bam. This happened.

Another thing I feel like I should explain is Jay's random death. The reason this happened is because she left the squash squad groupchat, therefore leaving the squash squad itself when I was in the middle of the story, and so therefore, I was just kinda like...oOPS.

But yeah, we're real people and we're all Twitter friends. Not to promote, but heheh feel free to follow us on there if you wish:

Andi - @ andiwantu
Beth - @ dontkillmyfeels
Eri - @ eri_istorav
Fox (me lmao) - @ gh0stiero
Ian - @ ianmontefalcon
Jane - @ herravenkings
Lu - @ chibiqueer16
Meryl - @ benippy
Viv - @ vivekadawkes

And that's the truth behind it. Not very interesting but hey, now you know.

Thank you so much if you actually read this shitty story! I love you and I hope you're having a great day <3 Stay safe, beautiful.

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