Step Four: Not Apart Of The Plan!

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Sweat rolled down Buttercup's back as she nodded towards her teammate and stuck up three fingers as she ran down the field and kicked it towards on her teammates who ran down the field and kicked it in the goal. She high fived her teammates, the ball was tossed back to the middle as Buttercup stole the ball and passed it to another one of her teammates and jumped up to show she was open, the girl kicked it towards her and she jumped up and kicked it, as Buttercup done a flip and landed on the ground, the crowd went wild, since they won.

"Yeah!" Buttercup exclaimed as she jumped in the air and high fived her teammates and they gave the other teammates fist bumps and replying with 'good game' and they split up going towards their friends.

"You was awesome Buttercup!" Bubbles exclaimed as she jumped up and down in the air, as Buttercup chucked at her best friend and saw Blossom running down the stands having Brick follow her.

"Yay you won!" Blossom yelled as she hugged her sweaty friend and patted her back and Blossom let go as Boomer and Brick gave her a fist bump, telling her that she done good.

"Let's go out to eat?" Brick suggested as Buttercup saw Butch was looking at her through the stands and Buttercup nodded as she looked towards the locker room.

"Yeah," Buttercup said as she pushed back her hair and looked towards her friends. "Let me get a quick shower and I'll met you at Shawn's." She said, referring to their cafe, and they nodded as they split up and Buttercup made her way towards the locker room.

She grabbed her towel from her locker and walked towards the showers, she stripped down and wrapped the towel around her body and made her way in the shower and closed the door and began to take a fast shower, washing her hair and body. Buttercup sighed as she felt clean and turned off the water and wrapped the towel around her body, wiping off the extra water and drying her hair much as she can and grumbled feeling her body was wet again.

Buttercup walked towards her gym bag and pulled out a pair of undergarments, black skinny jeans, with a green tank top, with P!ATD written across the breast area, she quickly dressed and put her hair in a messy bun and put some deodorant on, she slipped on her black combat boots and sighed as she closed her locker and tossed her gym bag over her shoulder as she sighed and blew her bangs from her face and walked towards the locker room door.

She walked at her teammates as she walked out and saw Butch was leaning against the brick wall and she rolled her eyes as she put on a fake smile as Butch checked her out, she began walking knowing that he was following.

"Looking good foxy," Butch said as Buttercup rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders as she looked towards Butch.

"I know," She replied as Butch smirked at how direct she was. Buttercup smiled towards him as they walked their way towards the diner. "Will you stop checking me out?" Buttercup asked annoyed as Butch chuckled and stuck up his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"Come into my bed, and I'll stop." Butch said cheekily as Buttercup rolled her eyes and they made it at Shawn's and walked inside seeing the others was already there, she thanked her friends seeing that they ordered her usual, she sat down next to Blossom and began to eat her sandwich and saw Butch sat next to her and began eating Brick's fries.

Buttercup answered the questions they asked her and ignoring the stares that Butch was giving her and she finished eating her food before looking at her watch and saw that she needed to get back to her dorm, so she can study for her final exam for Math.

"I'm gonna head out," Buttercup replied as she stood up and saw Butch standing up with her, she glared toward Blossom who was shrugging her shoulders and Bubbles smiled towards Buttercup as she walked out of Shawn's and started her way towards the dorm with Butch following right behind her.

She listened to Butch talk about himself and she really wanted to slap him, since he was also a cocky heartbreaker. Buttercup nodded and added in her comments and she stopped in front of her dorm and saw he was smirking towards her.

"You looked good out in the field," He stated as Buttercup shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her dorm key from her bag and Butch leaned in front of her, placing both of his hands next to her head as Buttercup's light green eyes stared into his dark green eyes.

"You'll look better in my bed." He whispered as Buttercup scoffed and held back her eyeroll.

"Ha," Buttercup said as Butch sighed and blew his hair from his face. "Well I need to go, and I'll see you to-."

She was interrupted by a pair of lips on hers. She wanted to push away, but she felt herself melted into the kiss, and wrapped her arms around his neck, but her mind screamed.

Step Four: Not Apart Of The Plan!!!

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!!

What we thinks??? Buttercup??? Butch??? And I'm so sorries for being lates and giving y'all a crappy and short chapter but I promise to give y'all a better one Friday or Saturday!!!! So your thoughts???

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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