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There were people rushing through the park like usual. There was the occasional older couple but it was mostly young people or small families.

When you were just starting out on the job, there wasn't a lot to do to stay occupied. You're probably thinking, 'How in the world can you be bored at Disney World?!', but trust me, when you're wiping tables and cleaning bathrooms on the hour every hour, it gets tough.

The heat of the day gets to you, a lot, and I mean a lot, and there's a lot that you notice that you typically wouldn't before.

Like how many 7-12 year olds are still being pushed around in strollers just because their parents don't feel like carrying them or putting up with their whining.

You also see a lot of the same parades and attractions too, which wasn't the worst thing in the world for Mitch, because it meant that Prince Charming passed by for his normal rounds and if Mitch timed it right, sometimes he could make sure to do tables when he was in the same area.

This is probably the most cliché thing he's ever done, but he couldn't help himself. He wasn't sure if it was the childish atmosphere or if it was his own boredom and loneliness taking over, but something was definitely making him feel attracted to this so called Prince Charming.


I love my job. I do. It's just, sometimes it gets rather repetitive and redundant when you have to say the same catch phrases and relate everything you say to one or two movies.

It paid well, I guess, and it was mentally pretty relaxed with all of the happiness and positivity rushing through the air. It just wasn't what I wanted to do with my life.

I'm not quite sure what my future has in store, but ironically, I'm looking for my own Prince Charming in the small amount of time I have outside of work. I just wasn't having any luck though...


"Mitch, there's no clean tables and people can't find anywhere to sit!" Avi, his boss, yelled out from inside the small stand.

Mitch didn't work at one of the nice indoor, air conditioned, character filled restaurants, no. He was lucky enough to find a job where the only thing inside the building was the food and it's not like it was horrible, but it meant that whenever someone wanted a snack or a bite to eat or even just felt like sitting down, they came to the array of tables clustered next to the concessions.

Avi, his boss, wasn't really his boss. They had people that were above everyone to keep everything in check, but they didn't make big decisions. Honestly though, he wouldn't be surprised to see Avi moved up to a nicer and better place. Not just because he was at the top, but because he was genuinely good at his job. His only flaw was how much he ate and forgot to pay for, but no one can keep track of what and when he eats.

On another note, Avi was his first real acquaintance and now first real friend since he moved to Florida. They got along and Avi stood up for him when someone tried to pick on him, which happened surprisingly often considering they were working at the 'happiest place on earth'.


"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" Avi teased me in the cheesiest way possible. I was Rapunzel today and though that's great, I didn't like having so much weight from the wig on my head and much preferred being Tinker Bell.

I was doing some rounds today because the demands for more princesses around the park were insane, and it was hard to find someone willing to go out in the streets anymore.

I had just passed Avi while he was on break and we were chatting briefly, but it was a pain that we couldn't talk normally like when we weren't working. I had to use my princess voice and pretend like everything was so amazing that I could just jump for joy. Of course people tell me I'm naturally bubbly so I'm never too hard on myself for the most part.


Strings were being plucked quickly before they all pulled out their bows in unison, everything from violins to cellos playing skillfully.

Kevin was a cello player, and as much as he liked his job and what he was being paid, being a part of the Disney Orchestra wasn't really his cup of tea.

He wanted to make something more, do something bigger, create something better. For a while now, he's been beat boxing and playing cello simultaneously, but only does this in his own time. The job he had no matter how silly it sounded was pretty strict and they performed at a lot of important events, so anything outside of business wasn't to be tampered with.

He hadn't really made any friends since he got the job, but was more focused on his career, just letting things happen as they happen, hoping for something more to happen soon.


"Hello, Princess." Scott said to Kirstie, his voice strong and magnificent as he took a small and graceful bow, looking up soon after and glancing at Avi.

He didn't know Avi that well, but he knew of him due to the kind words that Kirstie had said about him. Him and Kirstie had known each other for forever. They went to high school together and she was his rock, both of them being there for each other no matter what.


Avi just smiled and chuckled as he nodded at the two Disney characters, all three of them oblivious to what was happening only feet away from them.

Of course it wasn't a huge deal, but if someone hadn't come over to ask him where the bathroom was, Mitch was sure he was going to start drooling or something equally as ridiculous.

He smiled an awkward but genuine smile to the guest and pointed her in the right direction before finishing off the tables and putting everything away, walking over to Avi.

"I finished tables, can I have a small break?" The small boy asked with pleading eyes and a smile that literally pained Scott to watch.

"It's getting busy and the bathrooms are a mess-" Avi started with a sympathetic look towards him before his head snapped in the direction of another voice.

Kirstin smiled to herself, her lips forming into a subtle smirk as she made sure to stay in character, watching Scott as he started interrupting, "This boy looks like he's worked enough, I think he deserves a break. After all, aren't you on a break?" Scotts voice was sophisticated and kind and no matter how much he wanted to flirt and be normal he couldn't and that killed him.

Little did he know that Mitch was currently dying on the inside as he listened to his angelic tone, watching him with heart eyes and staying close to Avi as a sense of normalcy.

Avi sighed slightly before nodding, knowing that Prince Charming was right, shooing Mitch to go off and take a break, but instead Mitch just stayed put.

Kirstie giggled softly and smiled before pulling her hair in front of her body and spinning around, needing some way to let out the excitement she was holding in without breaking character.

Avi and Mitch looked over at her and made a few faces, Avi was more confused than anything, and Mitch just blushed lightly, catching on pretty quickly that he was staring at Scott even if that wasn't the reason Rapunzel was spinning around.

What made it worse though, was that Prince Charming was staring back at him. Mitch looked up at the tall blonde and coughed softly, trying to hopefully break him out of his spell and get back into character but nothing happened.

So they just stared, looked at each other for the first time, and Mitch knew this beat his last cliché by far, because no matter how cheesy it sounded, it was magical.

Prince Charming (Scömíche)Where stories live. Discover now