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Mitch: You didn't have to leave so fast...

No answer.

Mitch: Please answer me

He hasn't even read the texts yet.

Mitch: Did I do something wrong?

It's almost been 2 hours since he left.

Mitch: I hope you're okay...

Scott spent most of the night texting Mitch with no reply, calling once or twice when he got really worried, his thoughts were eating him alive and Kirstie tried to help him relax but he was a mess, curled up in his bed stuffing his face as he watched tv.

"C'mon, let's get some rest, we have work tomorrow you know." She said and rubbed his back as he groaned obnoxiously. "Maybe Mitch will be there..?" She suggested and he nodded with a small smile, pulling his phone out once she had left and clicked on his camera roll, sighing as he looked at the most recent picture Mitch had sent him.

He sighed and stared at the picture a little too long before putting his phone down

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He sighed and stared at the picture a little too long before putting his phone down. His thoughts kept him up for a few more hours but he eventually got to sleep, dreading and looking forward to tomorrow simultaneously.


Mitch had gone straight home, his family wondering where he'd been. He just made up a lame excuse that they obviously believed and he headed to bed. He swallowed thickly and took an uneasy breath before hopping in the shower and coming out to the several texts and calls from Scott. He frowned and plugged in his phone, laying down and curling up, hugging a pillow as he furrowed his eyebrows. He was so overwhelmed and at the same time all he wanted was to still be with Scott so he could tell him everything would be okay.


Scott wasn't himself the next day at work and was probably on the verge of being fired if he didn't have Kirstin to help him stay in line. He just couldn't focus. Of course, Mitch wasn't doing any better.


Kirstin: Am I correct in assuming Mitch's lack of focus has something to do with Prince Charming?

Avi: OHH yeah.

Kirstin: How long is this going to last..?

Avi: Not long if I can help it.


The next two days went by agonizingly slow but before everyone knew it, it was Friday and even though Disney was even more crowded on the weekends, regulars like Scott and Kirstin and even Avi and Mitch could request most weekends off so they could have some down time. Even though they didn't get paid, Scott could care less about money and just wanted to go home. Mitch hadn't replied but read the texts yesterday around lunch, so Scott knew he saw them.

Mitch: Please don't ignore me without telling me what I did wrong.

He sent the text as he sat in the passengers seat, Kirstie driving them home the past few days due to Scott's inability to focus. Scott immediately went to his bed and curled up, grabbing an ice cream carton from the freezer on his way. Kirstie sighed as she watched him eat ice cream and watch sappy romantic movies buried under 5 blankets. She needed to figure out how to fix this.


"Hello..? Who is this?" Mitch asked as he answered his phone, nervous that it was Scott from another phone as he sighed and curled up more in his bed.

"Hi, Mitch? This is Kirstin. We need to talk, do you have a minute?"


"Scott..? Hey, you have a visitor.." She said quietly with a small smile, looking at the bags under his eyes that had accumulated from the past few sleepless nights.

"I really don't want to see anyone, Kirst." He said and his heart about stopped when he saw Mitch shyly walk into the room. Scott was sure time stopped as they looked at each other for the first time since Mitch ran out.

"Hi." Mitch said quietly, his voice sounding scratchy before he tried clearing his throat. Scott watched as Mitch got a bit closer and Kirstin walked out quietly, closing the door behind her to give them privacy.

"Did Kirstie..?" He started but Mitch just nodded before he had to say anymore.

"I um, wanted to say I'm sorry... I shouldn't have ran off like that. I shouldn't have kissed you and honestly just everything that happened on Wednesday was my fault and I'm sorry." Mitch ranted and took a breath once he finished.

Scott pushed his blankets off of him and stood up, trying to make himself presentable, but with bed head and dark circles and no shirt he didn't look the best, especially with the empty ice cream carton on his nightstand and array of sappy movie cases at the foot of his bed.

"I thought Starbucks could've gone better, but it was his fault not yours, don't blame yourself." He said and shook his head, watching as they walked closer and Scott sat on the end of the bed, patting it for Mitch to sit too.

".. and the kiss..?" He started and looked down at his fingers. "I, I liked it." He shrugged before realizing how stupid he sounded. "Okay that sounded weird, but, just, don't apologize for kissing me, just, I was really worried. You didn't answer my texts and you just ran and I didn't know why, am I that bad of a kisser?" He asked with a small but sad chuckle.

Mitch sat down slowly and shook his head, looking at his eyes as he watched him talk, "No, you're not a bad kisser" he said with a small laugh, "I was just..." He sighed and shook his head. "Scott please, it's really not, can we please just pretend this didn't happen and move on?" He asked and Scott snapped his head to meet his gaze.

"Pretend it didn't happen?! Mitch you and I both know we've been miserable the past few days and you want to 'pretend it didn't happen'?? I'm sorry but I can't do that. I like you. A lot. You know that. You like me too and I'm sorry for being so blunt but I've been a mess and you've done nothing to help clear my conscious." He said and frowned. Mitch looked into his eyes and frowned as well, he was hurt and it was because of him.

"It was all happening so fast.." Mitch practically whispered and looked down at his fingers, chewing on his bottom lip. Scott stayed quiet incase he wasn't finished.

"I like you a lot... A lot, like... A lot." He said softly and bit down on his lip hard. "It scares the hell out of me." He whispered and furrowed his eyebrows, almost forgetting Scott was still there. He was soon reminded when he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist. He looked up and they were inches apart. He looked into his eyes and relaxed almost instantly, melting into his touch as he hugged him closer. "I'm sorry." Mitch mumbled into his chest shyly but sincerely. Scott just rubbed his back and shook his head. "It's okay, just please do me a favor?" He asked and Mitch looked up slightly almost to say 'yeah?'.

"I know you're afraid, and I know I'm no Prince Charming, but I promise if you give me a chance you won't regret it."

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