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"Peter pan??" Mitch asked with a small grin as he talked on the phone, his follow up interview going a lot better than expected.

Scott just smiled and watched, trying to listen as best as he could.

"So..?" Scott asked when Mitch hung up the phone, waiting with a hopeful grin on his face.

"I got the job!" Mitch said, a genuine smile plastered on his face. "You're looking at the new Peter Pan." He said and wiggled his eyebrows with a laugh.

"Wait isn't Peter Pan blonde?" Scott asked curiously, seeing that he had dark hair.

Mitch nodded, "Well I've dyed it before, and I'd happily dye it blonde again for this job." He said with a shrug, getting on his phone to share his exciting news as he snuggled against Scott.

"I'm so proud of you." Scott said softly with a dopey grin, sighing contently. Mitch just smiled and blushed as he looked up at him, this boy would be the death of him.


"Well hello there Tinker bell" Mitch said with a smile as he leaned over and tapped Kirstie on the shoulder. She immediately turned around and squealed, hugging him unexpectedly.

"Oh my god you look great! I'm so excited!" She practically screamed. Mitch just laughed and shook his head.

"I do don't I?" He said with a laugh as he put his hands on his hips in fists, trying to commit to the role.

"Wait, does this mean we're going to be working together??" Kirstie asked with wide eyes, and Mitch just shrugged with a grin, knowing that this job was going to be so much better than his old job and it hadn't even started yet.


"Hey sweetie, how was work?" Nel asked softly as she made dinner. Mitch just smiled and shrugged before biting his lip and walking up to her.

"Hey I think I'm going to stay at a friends house tonight okay?" He said with a faint blush and Nel just smirked.

"What's his name?" She asked. "Scott."

"Wait, mom!" He said and his jaw dropped, realizing what he had said a second too late.

"What? You've been super emotional lately I knew there had to be something going on!" She laughed at his reaction.

"So when am I going to meet him?" She asked and Mitch just sighed and rolled his eyes with a smile. "Neverrr" he joked and kissed her cheek before walking out of the kitchen to pack some stuff in his purse that he would bring as an overnight bag. Scott said he could come over and didn't say anything about staying the night, so he had to be subtle yet prepared just in case. He said bye before leaving, however it was more of a shout since he was almost out the door.

"I'm leaving, I'll be back tomorrow after work!" He yelled and headed out, excited but nervous when he arrived.

"Scott? Oh Prince Charminggg?" Mitch called out as he opened the unlocked door, closing and locking it behind him before turning the corner to the kitchen/dining room.

There were a few candles lit randomly around, with one in the center of a small table. The two chairs were placed across from each other and there were places set with plates and utensils.

Then there he was. He wasn't dressed as Prince Charming but he was in dress pants and a nice buttoned down shirt, making Mitch feel way more than underdressed, but that wasn't even on his mind in that moment.

"Scott, what is all this?" He said confused, smiling as Scott pulled a rose out from behind his back as he approached him, taking Mitch's jacket and purse, setting them aside.

"I just thought we'd have a celebration dinner since you've done so good with your new job." He said softly, moving to pull out Mitch's chair for him.

Mitch just sighed happily and shook his head as he sat down. "I really don't deserve all of this." He said honestly but he really could not stop smiling if he tried.

Scott sat down as well and looked at him confused, "It's crazy that what you see is so different than what I see." He said before he served the salad, starting the best dinner he'd had in a long time.

After dinner, Scott lead Mitch upstairs and carried his purse up for him, handing him the remote as he did a little cleaning up before turning to look at an oddly quiet Mitch.

"Hey, everything okay?" He asked quietly as he approached the bed where Mitch was carefully twirling the rose Scott had given him. He looked up quickly, startled as he was taken out of his thoughts, "yeah, just thinking." He said honestly before taking a breath, knowing he would need to explain himself.

"I'm just trying to process everything... you treat me like royalty, and I'm so horrible to you." He sighed and Scott immediately wrapped an arm around him, shaking his head.

"That's not true whatsoever. You're not horrible to me, you're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, and I don't know what else to do to make you understand that." He said before kissing his forehead.

Mitch smiled weakly before letting out a breath and nodding, looking up at him happily.

"I can't imagine those clothes are comfortable." Mitch said softly as he shamelessly looked Scott up and down, loving how easy it was to tease him.

Scott just smirked and took the rose from Mitch, setting it on the nightstand before pulling Mitch close, his mouth hovering over his right ear as he whispered.

"Guess who remembered to lock the door?"

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