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"Mitch, wake up!" Avi said and Mitch jolted up, a spray bottle in one hand and a rag in the other, both falling onto the half cleaned table.

"What's up with you, dude, you've been falling asleep a lot on me lately." Avi continued with a confused expression and Mitch just sighed as he pulled himself together, "Just not enough sleep. I'll just get some coffee I'll be fine, don't worry." He reassured with a small smile and got up to get some coffee after finishing the table he was on.


"Prince Charming, we have visitors isn't that magnificent!" Kirstin, or Cinderella for today, asked in hopes that he would wake up.

Scott had to use more makeup today for the bags under his eyes and could barely keep his eyes open, it was worrying Kirstie to say the least.


"Hi, can I get a chicken sandwich and a fry with a large water?" Kevin asked the man at the counter with a small grin.

"Sure thing." Avi retorted and hollered at one of the cooks as he took the money for his order.

It wasn't crowded today, but then again it was 3 on a Wednesday and even though Disney was crowded, certain days and seasons just weren't as popular.

"Hey, Mitch can you clean off a table really quick?" Avi asked and smiled warmly as he handed the man his food. Kevin just thanked him and headed over to a table.

"Oh you really don't have to do that." He said as the small boy started to clean the table for him.

"It's my job, plus you work here it's the least I could do." He said as he gestured to Kevin's Disney logo on his shirt. Mitch felt himself starting to yawn before stopping himself and shaking his head with an apology, swiftly walking off to use the restroom.


"Scott I swear if you don't stop dozing off you're going to lose your position!" Kirstie said as they took off their makeup and costumes in the dressing rooms.

"I know, Kirst, I'll be okay. I'm just a little tired is all." He said with a shrug and put on his normal clothes before walking back out to the main room. Kirstie had done the same and they were both back in their street clothes. On days like today when they didn't have too many visitors they got notified that they could take a half day and it's exactly what Scott needed.

"Hey I'm kinda hungry, wanna grab a bite before we leave?" Scott suggested a little too quick.

"We could get so much food for a way better price if we just head home, Scott."

"I bet Avi could get us a discount.." He started slowly and grabbed his phone as they walked out and he slid on his sunglasses. Kirstie smiled behind him as they walked out and she adjusted her purse, knowing all too well that Scott couldn't care less about food right now.

She just smiled regardless and laughed as she shook her head, "Okay fine let's go see him." She said and gestured for him to lead the way.

"Who? Avi?" Scott tried to act like they were still on the subject of food but when Kirstin rolled her eyes and gave Scott a look he just blushed and smiled, hurrying off ahead of her.

"Slow down my legs aren't as long as yours!" She giggled and ran after him, eventually catching up before running into his back.

"Scott why'd you stop?" She asked before looking up. Avi, Mitch and someone they didn't know were all sitting at a table and talking. Kirstin tried to figure out what was going on before noticing Mitch yawn. Something clicked in her brain and she shoved Scott's arm.

Scott snapped out of it and looked at her with furrowed brows, "Hey what was that for?!" He asked and she huffed. "For staying up to talk to lover boy, weirdo." She said and Scott just smiled slightly, blushing like a mad man. He definitely needed to get it together.

Before he new it Kirstie was already at the table, introducing herself and Scott hurried to her side, trying to play it off cool.

"Hey guys this is Kevin, he's in the orchestra here." Avi said and grinned as he watched Scott and Mitch awkwardly avoid eye contact.

"He plays the cello-" Mitch added, "-but he beat boxes too, he's so good. Show them!" Mitch encouraged and smiled before apologizing as Kevin was in the middle of finishing his fries.

Kevin just brushed it off before shaking his head with a smile and swallowing, "Someone give me a beat." He said and Avi pounded on the table gently with his fist and they all watched Kevin in awe.


Scott crossed his arms and watched Mitch talk about Kevin, 'Oh he's so good he plays cello and can beat box woop de doo!', he huffed and didn't realize that it was so loud, Kirstie looking back at him, confused.

He quickly snapped out of it and smiled, putting his arms down and watching as everyone complimented Kevin, finally moving his eyes to look directly at Mitch. Of course it would've helped if Mitch hadn't decided that it was time to look at Scott at the same time. It was like the first day they met again, just staring. Scott had on sunglasses though and things were different.

They both looked up when Kevin stood so he could get back to practice and Avi knew the dinner rush would be coming soon so he'd have to get back to it. Kirstie was just subtly observing everything, but specifically Scott and Mitch. Mitch was the first to speak up.

"So, it's just Scott today?" He asked with the same blinding smile as he gestured to his tank top and shorts, standing and cleaning some tables. Scott just grinned and nodded, going to sit down at the one he was cleaning just to be a pain, his mouth suddenly feeling dry.

"Oh, yeah. Half day. So I have the rest of the day to myself." He said as he watched him lean over to reach a spot that Kevin had accidentally left dirty.

"Sounds nice." Mitch said honestly and huffed, sitting down across from him and making a face as he took a drink of his bad coffee. It's not that Disney had bad coffee, it's just, well, okay yeah they had bad coffee.


Kirstin usually didn't meddle so much but she couldn't help herself for some reason this time. She casually walked over to the line and only had to wait for one person before she was face to face with Avi.

"You need to let Mitch go." She said seriously and Avi looked at her, confused.

"He works, he does everything he's supposed to why would I fire him?!" He asked, almost taken aback at Kirstie's suggestion.

"No! Not fire him. I mean literally go. As in, give him the rest of the day off." She said and laughed a little but stayed quiet.

"Why?" He asked and looked over at Scott and Mitch talking before trying to register what she was planning.

"Just trust me, okay." She said and smiled, looking in his eyes. He sighed and nodded, "Okay, go do something and act casual so Scott doesn't notice or something.

"Good thinking." She said and headed to the bathroom as Avi headed to the table.

"Hey, it doesn't look like we're gonna have a huge crowd so if you wanna go home for the day that's okay." Avi said with a smile and Mitch looked at him a little confused, Scott looking up and around for Kirstie just because it sounded like something of her doing.

"Are you sure? I can stay I don't have anything to do." Mitch said before Scott cut in. "Well, I think you need a new coffee, unless that's the face you make when you like something." Scott said with a chuckle and a smirk that made Mitch tense up and forget to breathe. "I could take you to get some if that's okay with Avi." He said and looked at Mitch before back at Avi and he just smiled with a nod, grabbing the cleaning stuff and slowly walking away.

Mitch looked at Scott and raised his eyebrows before shrugging and smiling, subtly letting out the breath he was holding, both of them hiding their excitement for they were about to officially go on their first unofficial date and even if it was just coffee, it was so much more than coffee.

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