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There's this misconception about fairytales always being happy and having a happy ending. The Disney versions funny enough hardly show any of the real struggles the characters go through before their happy endings. Mitch's little fairytale wasn't much different, and even though he had a Prince Charming, things weren't as grand and royal as he'd hoped for.

It had been three weeks since Mitch got the job as Peter Pan and if he was honest with himself, he couldn't have been happier. He had a decent job, he worked with people he considered friends, and most importantly he didn't have to wipe down tables every day.

"Well hello Prince Charming, fancy seeing you here." Mitch smiled, wrapping his arms around the tall blonde. Mitch was already changed and Scott had just arrived to change.

Scott just smiled and turned around to kiss his forehead, keeping him close as he found his normal clothes and quickly changed out of them.

"So since we have a few days off I thought we could take a little road trip or something.." Scott started as he folded his costume neatly, watching Mitch's face light up, his dimples making the blonde grin instantaneously.

"Where are we going??" He asked and moved closer to him as soon as he hung up his costume, holding his hand in his.

"That's a surprise!" He said and kissed the back of his hand after intertwining their fingers, a mischievous grin on his face.

Mitch just rolled his eyes and shrugged, "I'll find out anyway." He mumbled under his breath as they walked out and headed to leave.

"What was that?" Scott asked, although he heard what he said, just wanting reassurance that he heard him correctly.

"Oh nothinggg" he said sweetly with a grin and swung their hands, giggling innocently as they finally arrived at Scott's car. Scott had been meeting Mitch every morning and driving him to work, well given that Mitch hadn't stayed the night at Scott's which was a common theme for the past week or so.

"So I figured I could drop you off and you could pack and then we'd go back to my place, and then tomorrow morning w-" Scott was cut off as Mitch spoke.

"I, um, I don't need anything I don't have at your house do I? I mean, you don't have to drive all the way there.." he said and nodded, knowing that Scott hadn't taken him home before and knowing Scott probably expected that he lived by himself instead of the alternative that was still living with his parents.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked and looked at him worriedly before looking back to the road. "I've never even seen where you live.." he said and frowned slightly. Mitch looked over at him and took a small breath, mad that he looked at Scott because he literally couldn't say no when Scott pulled out the puppy dog eyes.

He huffed and nodded before crossing his legs, "Alright." He said nervously and Scott grinned big, making him so much happier and so much more anxious at the same time.

After Mitch had given Scott directions and they arrived, he could tell Scott had questions already. "I'll be right back!" Mitch said quickly and hopped out of the car with a tight smile before he heard Scott's door open and close. He was about to run inside the house when he felt Scott grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"Mitch.." he said and gave him a look, not needing to say anything else. Mitch just sighed and looked at him before nodding. "Just, stay here, I'll be back in a sec." he said and headed inside.

"Mom? Dad?" He called out and all of a sudden his mom came out of the kitchen and smiled, engulfing him into a hug.

"I thought you'd never come home! Still out with that boyfriend of yours?" She asked and smiled, smirking slightly. Mitch just bit his lip and smiled, "Yeah about that, he's outside." He said and squinted his eyes almost as to brace himself as she smiled.

"Well don't leave him out there bring him in!!" She said and hit him with the towel she had in her hands gently, "thought I taught you manners" she said and rolled her eyes with a smile as she went to the kitchen as Mitch went to get Scott.

Scott was leaning against his car, looking handsome as ever. Mitch grinned sheepishly when Scott saw him and smiled, standing up straight.

"So um I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd think I was weird and I'd be embarrassed but you're here and I couldn't tell you no an-" Scott cut him off with a soft kiss, making Mitch melt and have to grab onto his bicep to stay standing.

He pulled away sooner than Mitch had hoped and smiled slightly, "I love you" he whispered, pushing his hair from his face. Mitch just blushed and nodded, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding before leading him inside.

"Mom?" Mitch said as he walked in and looked to Scott to see a lightbulb go off before Scott just smiled and was engulfed into a hug by what he assumed was Mitch's mom.

"Hi sweetie, you can call me Nel." She said with a smile and Scott just looked to Mitch who seemed embarrassed already. He squeezed his hand reassuringly before Mitch looked up to see his dad.

"Hey, why don't you go get packed" Scott suggested and smiled with a nod, Mitch just smiled lovingly before rushing upstairs to pack for any scenario that he thought Scott would think of. Scott stayed downstairs and made small talk with his parents, wanting to make a good impression. He told them about the surprise road trip and they were nothing but sweet. Of course the whole time Mitch was a little paranoid but happy how well Scott got along with his parents nonetheless.

He was just about to go downstairs when he heard it get quiet and he got nervous, a million things going into his mind. As bad as it sounds, he was kind of hoping they had an awkward silence and weren't getting along. He realized that they had only been dating for about a month or so and he'd already introduced him to his parents. He felt himself start to panic but realized staying at his parents house was only going to make it worse.

He practically ran downstairs and smiled, "Ready?" He asked and went to hug his mom and dad before heading out, knowing everyone could sense that he was in a hurry but no one really questioned him, that is until Mitch and Scott got in the car.

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