Chapter 10

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As me and Harry walk out into the clearing Harry was mobbed by girls. I say bye and walk out of the mob. "Did i just see my friend come out the woods with Harry Styles." Jade says walking up to me with all the boys and my besties. Michael had anger in his eyes like daggers for some reason as we all walk and i talk about how nice he is. When we all come to the square where the stage is, i stand in front with the clan. (the boys and your besties) But the boys are soon called back to open for one direction. As they walk up on stage i could tell Michael was avoiding my eyes as much as he could. He looked angry but, sad.

Michael p.o.v.

I saw her come out of the woods with Harry and i couldn't. Even think. What did they talk about, why were they in the woods by themselves, is she going to be with him now. The way she talked about him when we were walking back i think all hope is lost of having her. She was always to good for me anyways.

Tris p.o.v.

They start playing a song called amnesia and Michael starts it but he messes up. He is so good at the guitar but yet why is he sad enough to mess up. I think. The rest of the song is really good and as they step off the stage i see, what, Michael wiping his eyes trying to cover up tears. Maybe it reminded him of an old girlfriend or something. Nobody else could see him but since i had a straight shot to back stage so i could also see him push away Ashton when he tried asking what's wrong probably. After i made it to the gaming room finally i see Michael isn't with them. "What is wrong with Michael? " i ask them. "We don't know Ashton tried to ask what was wrong but he just pushed him away." Luke says. "Where did he go?" I ask confused. "He went to the lake." Calum says as i walk out and head to the lake. As i get there i see a red eyed Michael sitting on the bank. It is all dark outside except for the light lamp on the bank a little ways away and dim lights from the far away stage. "Get away." He says as i walk near. "Michael i just want to be your friend. A person u can talk to when u need. A person who can make u smile, be with u without u ignoring me. Please just listen this once." I say letting out the truth. "U really want to be my friend with how I've been treating u like crap lately." He says wiping his eyes. "Yes i do." I say sitting calmly next to him. In my mind i know i want to be more than friends but i think he doesn't feel that way back. "U don't deserve to be my friend. Not with how I've treated u. But before u ignore me i want u to know that I'm sorry for what I've done to u." Michael says sniffling. I can't believe your ears, Michael saying sorry to me. I thought he didn't like me all this time. "I thought  u didn't like me?" I say puzzled. "Uh yeah. Truth is, u didn't seem like the kinda person who would like me. I mean i thought u were just being nice that first day. Don't worry i won't bully u anymore u can just ignore me and live your life." Mikey says as he starts to get up and walk away. I can't do that he is my life. I think as i yell. "Wait Mikey. I can't do that. I won't." I say as he stops. "U mean u forgive me." He says as he scratches his light green head. "Yup. Besides who would give u all the annoying shit u need to get u irritated?" I say teasingly as i am engulfed in a overly tight unexpected hug. "It's ok, i forgive u." I say loving the feeling of being near to him. As we walk back to camp stage we go into the gaming room holding hands. "Omg what happened to u two." Jade says as we walk in smiling. And all the boys stare. "We decided to be friends." I say after Michael attempts clumsily but fails. "Ok well then i guess we can go watch the show now?" Elly says as we agree and head out, me still holding Michaels' hand tightly. It felt so good.

Sorry it's been a while i hope u like it though!

Love ya 5sosfam!!

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