Chapter 13

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I wake up to video game music.  I am still in Niall's arms on the couch and he's talking to Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Harry who are all playing the games. "Hey sweetie are u fine?" Niall asks being nice. "Erm yeah thanks Niall." I say remembering last night. Harry and Calum walk out of the room to get breakfast with Niall. "I'm gonna get breakfast too Tris u want anything?" Ashton asks kindly. "No I'm fine." I say still tired. As he leaves Michael just keeps playing games. I sit on the floor by Michael and lean my head on his shoulder. He doesn't even look at u
Me. "Heya." I say calmly trying to get his attention. He still ingores me. What is wrong.

Michael p.o.v.

I walked into the game room with Harry and was shocked to see Tris cuddled with Niall on the couch. Damn right when I thought she like liked me. Now everything seems as though its worth nothing. Why do I try? She is to good for me and always will be. I don't even know how to talk to her now after she probably just got done making out with Niall the night before. My heart broke when I saw.

Tris p.o.v.

Why would he ignore me its not like i did anything. Maybe he's mad about last night when i thought he was gonna hurt me. "Mikeeeyyy..." i beg him. He just keeps playing on his game. I sit in front of him and give him my best begging face. "Stop you'll make me lose Tris. What the", he says as he loses. "Gosh you're so annoying just get away!" He says as u start to tear up. "Fine!" I yell at him. But he still just starts another game. I run out with tears pouring down my face. I run past the table where all the clan with one direction was eating and everyone looks at me. As i run i go up the trail i went up with Harry so that no one would know where i went. As get to the pond i sit were i sat last time and sob. What could i have done to make him so mad at me. He didn't acknowledge me. He called me annoying and didn't care. He probably wouldn't even care if I were dead.

Harrys p.o.v.

I saw her rush out of the gaming room crying and run out the door. Everybody rushed into the gaming room to see a blank faced Michael. "What the heck man!" Ashton screamed at Michael picking him up and throwing him on the couch. "Ashton calm down we don't know what happened." I say as he backs up. "Hah, if u did anything to that poor girl u are gonna sssooo get it!" He yells calming down. Michael doesn't answer. "Guys u were wrong I went to the bunk and couldn't find her." Elly says coming back. Jade, Niall, and Sophia's faces got worried and Jade started to tear up. "Ashton, she can't be alone when she's depressed like that!" Sophia shout whispers in worry. "U mean?" Ashton says worried knowing what it meant about her depression. "Oh. Uh yeah we have to find her fast!" Ashton says as he rushes out of the room. I look at a now worried Michael. "I am so so sorry guys i..I..." He says as we rush out too. Him coming close behind to help.

Michael p.o.v.

I didn't know she had depression. I run down an unknown trail separate from the rest. "Tris!" I shout desperate to get her back. I soon came to a lake.

Tris p.o.v.

I huddle up more. I've  been here sobbing for like an hour until i feel a presence in the midst i turn to see Michael walking up to me. He sets me on a bench more up the shore and sits a distance away. "Look I know I was mean and I know u can probably never forget this. But at least tell me u forgive me." He says crying softly. My heart melts and i get up and sit on his lap and cuddle into his warm chest. Confusion takes him over. "I forgive u and I can forget it." I say as i mumble the last part. "U will?" He says brightening up. I giggle into him as i see how adorable his reaction is. "What" he says as i snug into him more. "You just being u." I say as he smiles but it quickly changes. "Uh, Tris. I... I want u to promise me something?" He asks me. I nod and say what. "Never harm yourself again." He says in a stern voice. "That's why u were up last night with Niall isn't it?" He says. "I promise and yes that's why." I say all of the sudden remembering the dream. "Oh Mikey I'm glad you're safe." I sob into him wanting to kiss him but i know i couldn't. "What do u mean?" He asks. "I had a dream were u, u .......died." i say crying more. He wraps his arms tightly around me and kisses your forehead. "Tris, never hurt yourself for me. OK" he says sternly but soft. I nod. knowing I couldn't help it even if he did say it.

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