Chapter 5

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As we all cramped into the big but as many people as there were it seems small room we waited for the teacher to get here and tell us the rules and plans for the day. I stand by Jade anxious to hear. I back up to let someone go past me and accidentally bump into someone. It was the guy who picked up my bag today. "I don't believe I ever got to tell u my name." He says smirking. "It's Ashton, Ashton Irwin." He says. "I'm Tris Temp. Thanks for helping me earlier." I say noticing that his face was confused. "Tris Temp huh. You're Michael's next door neighbor." He says smiling a little. "Yeah, yeah I am." I say now confused on why he had a big grin on. "Hello fellow campers." The teacher started as the other three boys from the group walked up to Ashton. "As I said before there are alot of things to do here and they are all very fun. However, we will be doing main events during the day and night. It is not our concern on how late u stay up but the woods are off limits at 8:00 pm every night and meals will be at your good time but there are certain times the cafeteria closes and opens. U can not go in the opposite sex's bunk room without more than two people with you. The gaming room is open at any time of the day and night. Tonight since it is already 4:30 pm u can get dinner and do what u want for the rest of the night and the band open stage for students who know how to play or dj can do one song each each night then the dj will do the rest for the night party. Have a good time and a good dinner." The teacher says walking down from the stool she was on. Jade took me by the arm and dragged me to the cafeteria. "I want to slam down some food and do what I want for the rest of the night." She says almost out of breath. "This is amazing. To good to be true." I say to Jade almost fainting. "U go ahead Jade I need to get some less nicer clothes on for after dinner at our bunk see u there in 5." I say as i split up. I go get some black shorts on and i leave my pizza is life shirt on though. As i walk out of the bunk room i bump into Michael. "Watch were ur going idiot. Oh, Tris it's u, I should have known it would be the clomsiest one here," he shoves me up against the door to my bunk. His face only inches away, i could feel my knees getting week cause i could feel his soothing hot breath on my face. I kept reminding yourself that he was bullying me and wondering how i could still be in love with him right now. "Michael what are u doing. I didn't ever do anything to u." I say at his sneering face. He paused but soon hardened again. "Keep out of my way idiot." He says pushing me away, leaving a bruise on my arm. What the hell did he do that for i wonder to myself. I have been nothing but nice to him. As i walk back to the cafeteria i sit down by Jade, Sophia, and Elly. "Where did u get that bruise Tris." Elly says staring at it. The other girls notice and start asking too. Know where i say pushing it aside. The girls sense i don't want to talk about it and let the subject go. When we all finished eating we quickly through our trays in the rack and went to go canoeing. I just wanted to get your mind off of what happened. As i got into a pink long canoe with the three other girls i saw the three boys with Michael getting into a canoe too. Jade quickly eyeing out the ones that she and Elly talked to earlier yelled at them. "Luke, Calum and u two. Do u want to race to the little island out there." Which was really just a place where the lake was split by a drifting piece of land. Luke which. I'm guessing was the blond haired one yelled back. "Beat u there." Michael and Luke were paddling theirs and Jade and i were paddling ours. Sophia smirked at me as Elly was noticeably starring at Calum which I guess was the one with black hair. "Is he nice?" I asked Elly. "Hm, oh Calum. He's a dream." she says daydreamy. "Wow." Sophia says mimicking her tone and laughing. "Hurry they're in front of us." Jade says as we approach the 'island'. "Their boys of course their in front of us." I say knowing we wouldn't win. "Yes! They screamed as they hopped off board. When we got on shore we were all laughing except for Michael who looks like he doesn't even want to be with us. He probably doesn't cause he hates me. I say to myself reminding myself of the bruise on my right shoulder. We all took a seat me by Sophia who was by Ashton who was by Calum who was by Elly who was by Luke who was by Jade who was by Michael. "It's gonna be like heaven here." Jade says as we all look out at the camp ahead of us. Sophia obviously was getting along with Ashton quite well. Who wouldn't he looked so kind and loving, they all did even Michael, but for some reason he wouldn't show it to u.

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