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Mei Wong stood in her restaurant window watching her first godchild unload her belongings from the small family car. She chuckled as the girl, named Mina, struggled to hold the box in her arms and close the back of the car. She finally managed it closed and braved the stairs to the small apartment where she would be living for the next couple years. Mei could see her gulp and her face harden in determination and she stepped up to meet the step but tripped and her and the large box fell into a pile of shrieks and limps. Mei laughed out loud, her face brightening with a smile. "Ooh, yoou er goeeng to  be a clumsy one." She could feel Mina's frustration even from this distence and smiled. 'I will help the poor girl.' she headed for the front entrance and went up behind Mina as she bent down to pick up the box. "Ello." Mei said and Mina let out a small squeak and toppled back onto the ground with the box. "Soo sorry. I deenint meen to scar you."  She bent down and helped Mina up, smiling. "Thanks. I, uh, i'm a pretty clumsy person sometimes."

 yes. sure only sometimes.

"Well i came out to welcome you to dee neighboor hood and i want you and der dear mother to know that you can have all the chines food you want. And i'm Mei. Or Mrs. Wong but i perfere Mei." Or godmother. Mei smiled and knew that she was going to enjoy being this silly girls godmother.

Unfortunate fairy tale/The Iron Butterfly and Underland headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now