# 11

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Zeke sat in his wet cell for days without moving. He stared at nothing and ate nothing. He moved once and it was to smash a big beetle chewing on his finger nail, but that was it. He was sick of waiting for Den to get him out of there. Absolutely sick! He let out a long breath but that was the only sound he made for the next two days.

The next time he moved was when the girl was thrown into the cell next to his, he turned his eyes toward her and heard her curse. She had long blonde hair that probably reached her waist line but was in a ponytail so it met the small of her back and she had angry blue eyes. He turned his body toward her and she looked his way. He tried to look as dead as possable to her. He inhaled deeply and was surprised. Human. Fresh human.

His mouth watered and he forced himself to stop thinking of the goodness he was once told lay underneath their skin. He licked his lips and the girls lip pulled back. She scooted further from his side of her cage wall, pressing her back into the cell behind her. "What are looking at googly?" She spoke softly but he could hear the fierceness in her words. He smiled widely and she shivered making his blood run faster in his half dead veins. He watched her the whole night an into the next day until she was taken into Den's company. Maybe this ones different then the others? he wondered. He knew she was different and he was going to prove to the whole Underland that she was.

Unfortunate fairy tale/The Iron Butterfly and Underland headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now