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Nan watched Mina stare at Brody as he walked out of chemistry and across the hall and out of sight. Mina turned her body to watch him until every inch of him was out of sight and Nan rolled her eyes at her friend. She was definitely boy-crazy. No matter how often she said otherwise. 

Mina continued to watch for a moment more before turning back to Nan. A expression of guilt on her face. She brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes and sighed. Turning to open up her locker and pulling out a red notebook and a textbook. 

"Mina," Nan poked her friends side as they began walking to English. "Why do look like you just got your hand caught in the cookie jar?" 

Mina stared at the floor of the hall. "No reason. I just feel guilty..."

Nan raised her eyebrow. "Oh? Well then, could you please explain?" As she finished Mina turned her head, as if hearing something. She stopped suddenly. And glared in the direction of the newest girl at school, who had her arms wrapped around Jared as she gave him a hug. Mina made a choking sound and Nan looked confusedly at her best friend. "Mina, what is up?!"

"I'll be right back." Mina said through clenched teeth and marched over in Jared direction.

What in the world of Telly Tubbies is going on?!?! Nan thought as the bell rang. She waited for Mina to come back but she didn't, so she finished walking to class by herself feeling so confused. Mina was acting weird.

1st, she looks guilty after gazing longingly at Brody. Then getting all mad when seeing Jared with his arms around another g-- Nan came to a slamming halt. Jared. Another girl! 

"BINGO WAS HIS NAMEO!!" Nan shouted. Kids looked in her direction in confusion but they continued on with their boring lives. Nan felt she had just learned the secret to the longest lasting deodorant. (one she still wished to discover.) 

She knew something Mina didn't. 

Mina had the hots for Jared. Nan felt so giddy that she literally skipped to class. Her shy, adorable best friend finally liked someone besides Brody! She hummed to herself as she sat down in class. She couldn't wait to interrogate Mina. 

Couldn't. Wait.

Unfortunate fairy tale/The Iron Butterfly and Underland headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now