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Jared first saw Mina through the Grimoire. At first he thought it was a trick of the Fae. It wasn't until she was attacked by the Fae wolf, Greytail that he actually began to believe it might be real. He watched her struggle and scream for help. "HELP! ANYBODY! HELP ME!" Her voice cracked and Greytail snarled and licked his teeth. Mina's eyes were wide with fear. Graytail snarled and leapt for her face. Mina dove to the side and landed on a pile of bricks and cried out, grabbing her hip.

Jared waited still. He waited for something to prove it was real. He was really beginning to jump in. When he saw her face clearly for the first time. She was absolutely terrified. 

"HELP ME!" It wasn't even a scream more the plea of a hurt animal. Greytail jumped at her and at the same moment Jared leapt out of the Grimoire and tackled him.

It took longer then he remembered to finally send him running with his tail between his legs. Jared was scratched up and bruised but he was already starting to heal. 

He panted and turned toward the girl. 

She was staring at him with wide eyes. She was standing in the alley corner, her hands overlapping on her hip. His eyes saw a gash over her left eye and her arm was bruised. "Who are you?" Her voice quivered but there was still some fight in it. He suddenly felt angry. This was his new Grimm? A girl and she couldn't even handle her own fights! "No one of you're concern." He spat and turned away.

He heard her hobble over to him. "Hey! Wait!"

"Leave me alone, girl." Jared growled out between his teeth.

"So you are just going to save my life and then leave? Wow. Some hero you are." Jared almost laughed. "I never wanted to be a hero, so sad i wasn't a good one for you." Some how the girl, Mina,- he knew her name- got in front of him even in her hobbled state. "Thank you, i guess i should at least say that. After all you did save my life even if you are a total jerk about it." She winced but stubbornly crossed her arms. "I'm Mina," she glared at him. Jared thought she was annoying but he also thought she was annoyingly cute. "That's a stupid name." Was the last thing he said before he sprinted around the corner and turned into Fae dust.

This Grimm was going to change him in a way he never suspected would.

Unfortunate fairy tale/The Iron Butterfly and Underland headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now