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Mina couldn't focus. It was the middle of anatomy and she was definitely thinking about anatomy just not the assignment. Her eyes were on Jared, who sat three rows in front of her with his partner writing down the notes for the hour. She chewed her pencil eraser. Jared had always been attractive even when she wouldn't admit it to Nan, but she secretly thought it from the first time she'd laid eyes on him when he'd saved her from Grey Tail but she was slowly starting to realize that her attraction was turning into something else. Something scary. 

Jared turned partway in his seat, glancing back at her and giving her a small smile. She smiled back as her heart raced. Those eyes. He turned back around but her heart still pounded in her chest. She groaned at herself inwardly. She felt like a lovesick puppy. Pathetic. It felt like Brody all over again. But ever since she thought she had lost Jared, for good, she kept waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares about losing him again. She always woke up in a cold sweat and crying. She closed her eyes fighting the sudden burning in them as she thought about her latest dream. Teague had trapped her in a glass ball and made her watch as he tortured his Other half. She'd screamed and pounded the glass, trying to break it so she could break Teague but only succeeded in making her hands bleed. 

She had watched him die.

Mina shook her head and rubbed her eyes before forcing herself to focus on her paper again. That was enough. As long as she didn't think about it, it wouldn't happen. Right? She hoped. She chewed her lip as she began to write but then her eyes slowly made their way back up to Jared and she found that he was already looking at her. He looked at her with a look of concern on his face. "Are you okay?" He mouthed. 

Mina forced a smile and nodded. She forgot sometimes how he always seemed to sense when she was upset. She both loved and hated how he could tell. He raised his eyebrow at her as if to say, "really?" 

She pointed at her paper and then slid her finger across her throat, sticking her tongue out to signify that the assignment was killing her with boredom. He stared at her a moment longer then mouthed, "same," and rolled his eyes and turned back. Mina leaned back in her seat, rolling her pencil in her hands. She wasn't going to let Teague hurt him. No, she was not. Jared was always there, he was her protector but she was done. She wasn't going to let anything happen to him, which meant even keeping things from him, which was a hard thing to do, she would admit to herself, but if all worked, he would be safe. 

She loved Jared and she was determined to keep what she loved safe even if it meant her own safety was in danger. She was done letting Teague take and break what he wanted. 

Hey Ya'll,

Well its been a while huh? Only took me three years to write a new part and I'm sorry its short but I'm still grateful for any idea's you guys have or plot lines that you want to see tweeked :)

I dont know when i will be writing in here again, unfortunately. I am working two jobs, starting college, and working on another book, and 2020 seems to just be getting even crazier so its kinda wild over here haha. But I hope you guys enjoy this new part! 

Hope you all are well and safe! Til next time :)

- Mal 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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