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Mina stayed crouched down low, the Grimmore tucked under her arm, her breath choppy and uneven. Her hair was every where but there was still no respond from her plee for Jared. Where was he!? He should be by her side right now, but he wasn't. Mina hadn't heard from him all summer and she worried about him. Her attention was pulled back to reality by growling and heavy breathing near her hiding spot. She froze. Every muscle tensed and her brown eyes widened even more. She was truly terrified of this Fae. It was her first one she ever encountered all those months ago.


She trembled as she felt warm breath on her neck and felt something  wet land on her shoulder. She didnt dare turn to face him. He had her caught and she was going nowhere. "Ah," a voice like a rusted chainsaw spoke near her ear and she jumped, squeaking and trying to stand. "A Grimm," he laughed and Greytail shoved her into the gravel cackling. She landed, cutting her knee and her cheek getting scratched. Mina tried to crawl away, but he was pressing her into the dirt. She felt the gravel stick to her bloody knee and cheek as her face was pressed into the earth. She couldn't breath! She shouted, trying to get him off her but he wouldn't budge. She looked about for the Grimmore and saw it.

It was about 30 feet away and she wasn't getting it anytime soon. She was absolutely terrified. She was going to die tonight... And she wouldn't get to say goodbye to Jared. That was probably the worse thought then death to her.

Jared. Jared!

Mina opened her mouth and sucked in a huge breath. She  screamed as loud as she could, "JARED!" Greytail kicked her and she screamed as her rib popped loudly and a searing pain made itself known there. Greytail growled and crouched in front of her, pulling her head up by her hair and snarled, his white fangs gleaming in the moonlight. "Don't be calling your Fae guardian, he wont be coming for you. He left you."

Mina let out a pained yell as Greytail added pressure to her bruised ribs. She started crying it hurt so bad and when Greytail suddenly stood, the pain that had been upon her before soon felt like a butterflies breath compared to the pain that now encased her.

She screamed and curled into the fetal position in a futile attempt to ease the pain but to no avail.

30 feet away the Grimmore began to glow with a blinding golden light. It shook and shivered as Mina moaned in pain on the street. Greytail crouched. He stared at the Grimmore in confusion. Nothing should be happening. He had thought that Teague had taken care of Jared...

Suddenly a dark form bursted from the golden light and crashed into Greytail, squawking like a bird. The black griffin attacked Greytail with a ferociousness that would make even a cougar tremble in fear. Greytail yowled and morphed into a wolf and ran with his tail tucked between his legs just as suddenly as the powerful griffin had emerged from the book.

The griffin watched after the yowling wolf until he was certain he wouldn't be returning. Then he merged back into his human form.

Jared remained crouched as he listened. There was no noise anymore but he was going to make certain that nothing attacked Mina again this night.

Mina groaned behind him and he whirled and quickly was by her side. "Mina," he murmmered in her ear. Jared pulled her into his lap and stroked her hair. "Mina, please, wake up..." His thumb gently rubbed circles on her cheek as he bit his lip in impatience. 

Mina's eyes fluttered open slowly and she gazed up at him. Her breathing slightly ragged and torn. She licked her lips, "Jared?" She questioned softly. Her voice as soft as a butterflies kiss to his ears. "Mina!" Jared laughed lowly in relief and closed his eyes. 

She was okay. 

And that was all that mattered.

Unfortunate fairy tale/The Iron Butterfly and Underland headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now