Red Velvet - Chapter Two

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Red knew that name

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Red knew that name. Standing before her just so happened to be the top food critic in New York City, known for being impossible to please. His opinion could make or break you. What in the world was he doing in Chicago?

Hunter knew that look. So, much for getting her number.

He should have lied and made up a name. No, it wouldn't have mattered. He's never been good at lying which is probably what made him a great food critic, for if he gave his opinion he gave it honestly, good, bad or indifferent.

He stood up and put a few bills down on the table.

"Thanks for the food and medical care."

Confused, Red picked up the bills, grabbed his hand, and placed them in it. "On the house, remember?" She folded his fingers around them with her other hand.

"Did she feel this electricity too or was it just him?" He wondered, looking down at his hand now cradled in hers.

Red saw a strange expression come across his face. He looked rather bewildered and feeling awkward she let him go. He looked up and the look in his eyes gave her stomach the flutters.

The bell to the shop rang again.

"Woodsmen! I thought that was you! What are you doing here?!"

Red cringed at that voice. Sometimes it had a soft silky timbre. At other times it could even have a seductive growl. Now, however, she found it rather grating because it belonged to the one person she despised most in this world.

"Elias," Red begrudgingly acknowledged him.

The curtain flew back and Granny came storming out. "You're not welcome here, Wolf! Get out!"

Elias' eyes grew large with mocking innocence. "Why Granny, whatever have I done to deserve such outrage?"

"Swindled good people out of their livelihoods, shamelessly used my Granddaughter, and threatened to close our shop!"

Elias smiled that toothy grin that gave Red the shivers.

"I offered those people an out of their businesses when they couldn't make the cut. As for your Granddaughter, well look at her. She's simply delectable and it's not my fault she chose to take a walk on the wild side. She had done that on her own. You know what they say if you can't stand the heat...stay out of the kitchen."

"And as for the last accusation, I did not threaten you, sweet Granny. I just pointed out the obvious that you are getting on in years and maybe it is best if you cashed out before you checked out."

That last remark brought out the worst in Red. She wanted to slap that smirk right off Wolf's face. A useless thought, however. Too many witnesses and Elias was not above a lawsuit. Although, she did know at least two of them would be completely on her side. So, she lashed out with her tongue instead.

"You're a wolf in sheep's clothing, Elias. You act the innocent lamb but are far from it."

"Well, you would know." He pointed out shamelessly.

Red blushed but fired back. "You're right. Dating you... the biggest mistake of my life. One I learned from and would never repeat, but if you think for one moment you'll find a way to shut us down, you're a bigger fool then I already know you are."

Now it was Elia who turned red but from anger, not embarrassment. He readied for round two but Hunter stepped in.

"Come on, Wolf. We have a show to do," Hunter said walking past him towards the door.

"Show?" Red looked from Woodsmen to Wolf.

"That's right," Elias said his smile downright predatory. "Big Bad's Bakery is getting a national cable spot. Seems people love our bakery and want to see and know more."

"Big mouths, make big numbers when it comes to T.V.," Hunter interjected. "Let's not make this out to be more than it is."

"Remind me Red, to cancel our subscription," Granny stated disgusted, before heading back into the kitchen, where Goldie hid from all the tension.

"I have no idea how you ended up here in the first place?" Elias spat at Hunter as he turned to storm out the door, Hunter held open for him.

"That would be your fault. You said you were the only bakery in town," Hunter admonished.

"Well, it's true. It's only a matter of time," Elias gave a knowing smile at Red before he walked out the door.

Hunter hesitated to leave. He so wished he could cut this guy down to size. He hated the look on Red's face. It felt like siding with the enemy to be walking out the door with Elias. Nothing he could say would make this right. He sighed and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Goldie said running from the back room, with a white bag in her hand, sporting the Granny's Cakes logo on it. She nearly tripped again but caught herself right before reaching him.

"Just a little thank you, for saving me today," Goldie said, handing him the bag.

Red looked so disappointed. She shook her head her at whatever thought crossed it and shrugged before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Damn!" Hunter muttered under his breath as he watched Red vanish.

"No worries," Goldie said, "just enjoy. I hope you like it. I have a feeling, it's just right for you."

Hunter looked down at the little blonde and held up the bag. "Thank you."

"You're welcome!" Goldie watched him leave with a secret smile upon her lips.

Red sat down at the counter they used to roll out dough.

"Don't let Elias get to you," Granny said, putting an arm around her granddaughter.

"But he's not wrong, Gran. Since he's gotten a local spot, people have been lining up at Big Bad's Bakery. Our customers have all but disappeared. He's been gobbling up every shop in the neighborhood. How do we stop him from devouring ours too?"

Gran didn't have an answer for that. "You know our baked goods are a hundred times better than Wolf's. We still have our loyal customers. We just have to stick to the path and not let ourselves get off course."

Then Red thought of Hunter, what if he liked Big Bad's Bakery? If he gave his endorsement, it would seal the deal for them.

"Why did he have to be Hunter Woodsmen?" Red wondered absently as she rubbed her palm. She almost could swear she could still felt his touch.

At least, she had the satisfaction of knowing that he loved their baked goods. It brought a smile to her lips remembering how he savored each and every bite, moaning in delight over how good it was. Then a thought occurred to her.


"What about him?" Granny asked cautiously.

"What if we asked him to review the bakery? I already know he loves our carrot cake muffins and your chocolate chip cookies! If I can get him to endorse your shop..."

"That's nice dear, but how do you plan to ask him, now that he believes, you never wish to see him again?"

Like a deflated balloon, Red's excitement left her in one big whoosh. That's right. She gave him the cold shoulder the moment she knew about his connection to Elias.

"I don't know, Gran," Goldie said as she pulled out the next batch of strudel from the oven. "He was pretty interested in our Red. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if she hears from him again."

Red hoped Goldie was right, as it could possibly mean salvation for her and Granny. 

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