Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Rebecca’s POV

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom to shower. After showering in the hot steamy water for about thirty minutes I turned off the shower. I towel dried my hair and wiped the steam of the mirror. I stared into my reflection. My dark brown hair reached up to my belly bottom. It has grown pretty fast. There were some small marks on my face. I wasn’t perfect at all but I was in love with the perfect guy. He is the one and only for me. He has done so much for me. I can’t never repay for what he has done for me. He has helped me to forget those bad memories of Sam. He has healed each and every wound left by Sam in my heart. But to think about Sam, he was just like Daniel with a little spontaneous behavior. Sam had always made me feel more alive. He taught me how to enjoy my life but just when I started enjoying it he left me. He left me all alone.

“Are you alright?” Daniel called me knocking the door. “Yeah why?” I asked. “You’ve been there for quiet long. I was just worried.” He said. “I’m alright” I assured him. I changed into black training shorts and white tank top. I walked out of the bathroom. Daniel wasn’t there. I heard something frying downstairs. I rushed downstairs and found Daniel frying some bacons. My stomach started growling from it’s smell. I sat on the stool besides the counter. When Daniel was done he placed a plate covered with pancakes, bacon and poched egg on the counter. I dug into my yum breakfast without saying a word to Daniel. I always feel guilty whenever I’m eating in front of Daniel. I always get to eat delicious food but he always eats the same food.

When I was done I looked up to Daniel. He was staring at me. “Aren’t you hungry?” I questioned him. “Nope, Why? “ He answered. “You can drink my blood if you want.” I said bringing my wrist forward. “No need for that love. I’ve already drank enough and I can’t even imagine drinking blood from your body.” He said. “Oh” was all I could say at that moment.

I placed the plate in the sink and went towards living room. Daniel was already there watching TV. I sat next to him on the couch. He was watching some boring sports channel. I grabbed the remote from his hand and started changing the channel. I stopped when I saw sponge bob square pants. “Uhhh” Daniel growled. I stuck my tongue out of my mouth and teased him. I rested my head on his shoulders and he wrapped his arm around my waist. After watching tv for a while I felt my eyes becoming heavy. I closed my eyes for a while and soon I was asleep.

I was woken up by some people chattering and laughing loudly. When I opened my eyes I saw mum and dad sitting on the couch. Daniel was talking to them. My head was rested on his lap and a blanket was covering my body.

“Rebecca has woken up.” My mum said. Daniel and dad stopped right in the middle of their conversation and looked at me. I slowly got off the couch and walked towards my parents. “Hey mom and dad.” I said waving my hand. “Hey sweetie” My mom said with eyes filled with tears. She stood up and hugged me. Soon my dad also joined us. Family hugs are always the best. I finally got to meet mum and dad after a long time. I’ve never been away from them for this long. After a while we pulled away and sat on the couch.

“When did you guys arrived?” I asked dad. “A while ago you were asleep so we didn’t want to wake you up. “ he said.

After catching up all the things that have happened till now mum and me went to the kitchen to cook dinner. Daniel and dad were talking about football and stuff. I didn’t imagine they would get along so well.

 Right when we entered the kitchen. “I like him.” Mum blurted. “Me too.” I said with a huge smile. “So what are cooking for dinner?” Mom asked. “Anything you want.” I said. “Pasta, mashed potatoes and roasted chicken then.” She said. “Sure” I said. They were all my favorite food especially when they were cooked by my mum. She is the best cook ever.

After dinner was ready we set everything on the dining table and called out Daniel and dad. They came in the dining area. Daniel sat beside me and mum and dad sat across us. We all started to fill our plate with yum yum food. It was smelled amazing. After loading our plates we started stuffing our mouth. But Daniel was just staring at the carvings done on the dining table. Holy shit I forgot he can’t eat human food. He’s a fucking vampire.

“Why aren’t you eating? Don’t you like the food?” Mum asked Daniel. “No, he’s in a strict diet for boxing.” I answered for Daniel. It was really hard lying to mum. “Ohh” She said and carried on eating her dinner.

 After finishing up our dinner we sat in the living room. I sat besides denial with my head rested on his shoulder. His hand was wrapped around my waist. We were all lovey dovey and watching TV. Mum and dad also were in the same state. The atmosphere was all romantic.

“I’m so glad Bec you met such a great guy. Last time you were in a relationship you almost cried for a week after your breakup. You didn’t eat anything. You locked up yourself in your room. Your dad and I were so worried. “ She said with eyes filled with tear. “Let’s just not talk about that.” Dad said with a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, but you better treat my daughter properly.” Mum warned Daniel jokingly. “Sure, she means world to me. I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s other half of me. I love her no matter what.” He said and pecked my forehead. Tears started falling from my eyes after hearing his words.

“We better get going. We have to return early in the morning.” Dad suggested. “Yeah, Bye sweetie love you so much.” She said as she hugged me for the last time. “Bye mum and dad.” I said. Tears were falling from my eyes. I just met them some hours ago and now they gonna leave me again. After saying goodbye to both of them, they left.

Daniel and I went upstairs to Daniel’s room. I washed up and changed into some pajamas. I crawled on to the bed besides Daniel. He was only wearing trouser. His shirtless body was god damn sexy. His six packs were perfectly sculpted. Right now I was eye raping his body. I rested my head on his cold chest. He pecked my lips softly and turned off the table lamp. “Good night love” He said. “Night” I said closing my eyes. All the thoughts of mum and dad were coming into my mind. I wasn’t able to sleep.

“Love?” Daniel called me. “Yes?” “What happened between you and that Sam guy? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” He said. “No, it’s just a bad very bad memory of my life and I would love to share it with you. Now listen umm well Sam was new in school about 4 years ago. He was one could ever imagine as perfect guy. He had this ocean blue eyes in which you could stare for the rest of your life. At first we didn’t used to get well but after some months we were like best mates. We used to spend most of our time together. He used to make me feel alive. He used to spice up my super boring life. On Valentine’s day he asked me out and we were couples since then. We dated for 3 years but one day we argued so bad on nothing. When I went to his house to tell him how sorry I was, I saw him sleeping with some random chick. All he said was sorry and disappeared from that day. Since then he never called or returned here. I was left with broken heart. I used to cry for several weeks. I starved myself for several days. But then I decided this was not me. I was a strong girl who could move on. After some time I started moving on but there were still wounds and scars on my hearts until you came. You healed each and every single wound left by Sam. I am so grateful that I met such an amazing person as you. I love you.” I said.

 Tears were falling from my eyes. “I love you too love. You mean more than this world to me. Now let’s delete those memory from your mind and lets go to sleep, yeah? I’m glad that you shared your bad memories with me.“ He said. “Night Babe” I said. “Night love” he said and pecked my forehead.

Soon I was deeply asleep……..

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