Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The whole drive to Daniel’s mansion was really long. The moon was lightening the dark night. But all I could think about was Sam. Did he really tell me the truth or he just lied to me? I really wanted answers to this question which were flowing inside my head. I really wanted to know if ever he had loved me or not. I really wanted to know what he did to me was not his decision.

Finally after a long drive the driver stopped the car in front of the mansion door. I rushed out of the car and went up to our room. I opened the door but Daniel was not there.

“He’s at his office love.” Someone startled me. I slowly turned around and found Nathanial leaning against the door frame. “You startled me.” I said. “Oops sorry,” He said raising his hands in surrender. “It’s okay” I sighed. “Can you tell me where the office is?” I asked. “Sure straight from the hallway and turn left. It’s first door on the left.” He said. “Thanks.” I gave his a quick hug and started to walk towards Daniel’s office. On the way I found many family paintings. They were amazing. It must have taken lots of hard work to paint those.

When I reached in front of the office, I slowly opened the door. I peeked inside the door to look if it was fine to go inside or not. Then I saw Daniel sleeping on this chair, head rested on the table. I tip toed so that I won’t wake him up. He was sleeping peacefully, small snores escaping from his mouth, lips slightly parted. He looked so adorable. He must have worked really hard. He looked so tired. I slowly bent and kiss his cheeks.

He slightly moved and slowly opened his eyes. “Bec?” “Mmm” He raised his head from the tabled and yawned. “When did you come here?” He asked. “Just now” I said. “Sorry I had to leave you alone at Sam’s. And why are you here? I was going to return at his mansion after finishing my work,” he said. “Umm…I was feeling alone and I wanted to spend some time with you.” I said. “Didn’t you like Sam? He’s an amazing entertainer.” He said. “Yeah he’s good but I wanted to be with you.” I said pouting my lips. “Let’s go, I’ve finished my work.” He said standing up from the chair.

We slowly walked up to our room. I straight went to the bathroom and changed into pajamas and a simple tank top.  When I got out of the bathroom, Daniel was laying on the bed, his head rested on the head board. I climbed up next to him and rested my head on his chest. Daniel wrapped his one arm around my waist and with another hand he rubbed my back.

“I really missed lying down with you.” I said nuzzling down more into his chest. “You can’t even stay a few hours without me, poor baby.” Daniel teased me. “It’s not that you dumb head. I was feeling uncomfortable around Sam I mean Samthan. It’s really awkward around him. “I said. “Yeah, since that incident he kind of acts strange around peoples. “He said. “What incident?” I asked curiously. Daniel raised his eyebrows. “Well he used to love a girl. He claimed her as his soul mate but he had to leave her.”He said. “My kingdom and his kingdom’s rules are different. We are allowed to be with humans but it’s the exact opposite in his kingdom. If anyone finds a vampire with a human, both of them will be killed. Since Sam is the prince, the king couldn’t kill him so he threatened that if he doesn’t leave that girl, he will kill her. Sam did so for the safety of his soul mate. He was all broken after that incident. Now he acts he’s all good but I know inside he still loves that girl a lot.” Daniel continued.

By the end of Daniel’s word tears were dripping off my eyes. I quickly wiped them. But I couldn’t stop myself from crying. Sam has always loved me. What he did wasn’t his choice. He still loves me. Soon I started sobbing.

“Why are you crying Bec?”Daniel asked. “I just feel sorry for Sam. It must’ve been really hard for him.”I said. “I can take you to visit him if you want.” Daniel said. I simply nodded for yes as an answer.

“Night, love.” I said pecking Daniel’s lips. “Night, sleep well.” He said and turned off the lamp. Well there is no chance I’ll be getting any sleep today. All I want is to meet Sam. I want to tell him how sorry I am for shouting at him today. All the things Sam told me today were the truth. He left me for my own safety. Soon my eyes started getting heavier and I was drifted to sleep.

When I woke up it was already sunny outside. I looked around but couldn’t find Daniel. Then Daniel came out of the bathroom. “Morning love.”He greeted me with a warm smile. “Morning” I said. “I assume you are visiting Sam today.” Daniel said. I nodded. “Will you go visit him too?”I asked. “No, I have tons of works to finish.”He said.

I got out of the bed and entered the bathroom. I washed up really fast and changed into some darks jeans, baggy sweater and doc marten. I went downstairs, gave Daniel a goodbye kiss and got on the car. I was really in a hurry to meet Sam. I asked the driver to drive fast so that I could reach there soon.

When the car stopped in front of the mansion’s door, I rushed out of it and ran inside the mansion. I looked around and saw Sam painting something. I ran towards him and he turned back to face me. He was shocked to see me. I hugged him tightly.

“I’m so sorry Sam. Everything you did was for my safety. I didn’t trust you. I didn’t trust your love. I’m so sorry Sam.”I cried in his arms. “How did you know everything?”Sam asked still shocked by my actions. “Daniel told me each and everything. I’m so sorry.”I said still crying. “Shh Shh It’s ok love. You don’t know how much I’ve waited for you. How much I have longed for your touch.”Sam said. “I really missed you Sam. I thought you cheated me but you didn’t. You left me only because of my safety. I’m such a foolish girl. “I said. We pulled out from the hug.

“So what are you painting?”I asked after wiping all my tears. “Nothing.” He tried to hide whatever he was painting. “No, move I want to see it.” I demanded. After arguing for a while he finally gave up and moved aside. Then I saw the most beautiful painting ever. What amazed me was it was a painting of me. A drop of tear slipped from my eyes. It was stunning.

“I love it. It’s so beautiful.”I said. “It’s my way to distract myself whenever I’m thinking about you.”He said wiping the tears from my cheeks. “I missed you so much that you can’t even imagine.”Sam said pulling me closer for a hug. “I missed you too.”I said holding him tighter. “I love you Bec.”He said. He leaned forward and kissed me. All those emotions I had for him came back. Every single precious moment we’ve spent together replayed in my mind. I loved him, yeah I loved him a lot but there’s  Daniel…….

“Wow great just when I came to my best mate’s house to give my girlfriend her cell phone, I see my girlfriend and best mate making out. Great.” Someone interrupted my thoughts. I turned around and saw Daniel, trembling lips, eyes filled with blood tears. “What a surprise.”He said with a trembling voice. 

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