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Hi!!! It's Echosight again. XD. For those that read my Memories Left in Snow book. You might remember I had the song Titanium plays in the background during our dance scene. Now I wanted to do that again for this near the end chapter. I'll give you the cue to when you should play the song as you continue to read this chapter. Thank you for your dedication to this book. It's means a lot to me. Thank you and enjoy!!! XD

Riku's POV

" Okay, what about this one?" Lily pulled out a fluffy pink dress. I gave myself a face slap. " What you don't like it?"

" Lily, I understand that you're trying to help but maybe we shouldn't do a dress." I sighed and grabbed her hand away from the dresses. " Okay, I doubt Cole is a dress on a girl type of guy, and neither am I. So maybe we should stay clear of the dresses and I don't know maybe a-"

" Riku!!! Look at this!" Lily squealed running towards a small rack in the corner of the department. I ran after her trying to not to attract any attention from the others in the area. " Look at this, whatever boy you're taking out is going to have a bloody nose after he sees this."

I haven't told her the details about Cole, only the fact was met in the forest and basically went rock climbing together. Now, I'm meeting him on that same mountain for the fireworks tonight. I looked at the outfit that she pulled out. It was a beautiful forest green leather jacket and under it was beaded white shirt with gold and silver designs knitted onto it. I smiled at her. " There you go, that's what I'm talking about. See nothing too fancy, but still nice and romantic. That will go great with my black jeans." I picked it up and went to the cashier.


" So..."

I looked at Lily while walking up the damp street. " So, what?"

Lily rolled her eyes and looked at me with her 'really' look. " So what's this boys backstory, what's does he like, is he cute?" she looked like she was going to burst if I didn't tell her. I guess it couldn't hurt to tell her the main details and not the ghost ones. I sigh in defeat.

" Alright, I'll tell you some things. Okay, so his name is Cole Brookstone. He likes cake, a lot. His hobbies are rock climbing and basically any physical activity. Then his favorite color is either black or orange. Then his eyes...his eyes are like a deep sea of green, but their strong." I had to stop myself from getting too into it. I looked at Lily. " Is that enough?"

She squealed loudly and hugged me. " Oh my gosh, Riku!!! I'm so happy for you. This guy sounds totally rad. You'll have to show him to me. Who knows maybe he has some guy friends that are just as cute."

I chuckled nervously. Oh, geez maybe Jay would be a good fit for her. I looked up to the sky the clouds were nowhere to be seen and for once I was glad of it. The Fourth of July, the day America was free, but for tonight is the night sky is filled with fireworks, and everything will be perfect. I began to blush at the thought of what could happen tonight.

" It better not rain tonight." I huffed still looking at the sky. Lily patted me on the back.

" Don't worry, everything will be great. Just have fun, okay." she smiled.

" What are you doing?" I wanted to change the subject. She looked down for a moment. " What happened?"

" Well...." she paused and started laughing. " Well, you wouldn't believe who asked me to go with them to see the fireworks."

" Let me guess, James." I smiled.

" Yup, so you're not the only one on a date. Well, anyway thanks for taking me shopping with you." she walked me to the door. I gave her a hug and smiled.

Echosight: Mending Fallen Stone: book 2Where stories live. Discover now