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I was panting and gasping, my body was sweating, I swallowed my pills and gasped as my body seemed to burn. The unpleasant feeling subsided and I sat up, stuffing the pills into my bag. I have never gone into heat before, I was a pretty damn late bloomer.

My hair was a messy auburn brown and my eyes were silver, very rare among wolves nowadays. I was around 5'8, a pretty average height.

"Misaki! Time for school!" My mom shouts. I quickly fix my clothes and run downstairs, my older brother already waiting for me.

"Zero." I smile.

"How's my adorable baby brother?" He questions. My brother was twenty four and he was our pack's Alpha. But I was an Omega. He had blond hair and blue eyes, devishly handsome at 6'1. He always walked with me to school to send a warning to my classmates.

"I'm good. Finally hit puberty." I inform. He raises a brow.

"My baby bro has finally gone into heat? Make sure to take those pills, I don't want anyone to attack you." He orders.

"I will, don't worry." I assure as we walk.

"So, Misaki, the pack has been talking, and we're all thinking the same thing, where's this rare omega we keep hearing about? It's been over a century already." My brother informs.

"I'm sure they'll show up eventually, I doubt anyone in our pack will get them anyways, it's just a gut feeling." I admit.

"Probably not. Ah, we're here already." My brother sighs.

"See you later. Make sure to say high to Saki for me, she's adorable!" I laugh.

"I will little bro, have fun at school." We wave goodbye and I enter the school, my two best friends flanking my sides.

"You a man yet?" My best friend Ichigo snickered. He had bright orange hair and black eyes. He was a beta, the second closest person to my brother, being eighteen already.

"Very funny." I sigh.

"Don't worry. Besides maybe it's a good thing you haven't gone in heat yet." My other best friend Zoro smiles. He had black hair and green eyes. Both men strod at 5'11, towering me. But I was like the leader of us three. I roll my eyes and pull out the pills in my bag, flashing them at them and putting them back in my bag, holding up my middle fingers to them.

"You, are a man!" They both exclaimed loudly, getting the attention from literally everyone.

"Honestly, will you to just stop it. It's not like I'm g-" my breath caught in my throat and the other two looked at me. Everyone looked at me and my face got hot and my legs gave out.

"Misaki!" Zoro exclaimed.

"Pills, give him the pills!" Ichigo exclaimed and Zoro grabbed them, but it was a bit, late. I was pretty much paralyzed, my teeth had poked out, and my ears were forming.

"Misaki!" Zoro pushed the pills in my mouth and grabbed a water bottle, forcing me to swallow them. My body began to burn again as the teeth retracted and my ears went away. By now, we gathered a crowd and I was panting.

"I don't know about you, but that is definitely not normal!" I shout, shivering. The two gave me a sorry look.

"How are we going to tell his brother. I didn't think Misaki would be him." Ichigo worries.

"He'll find out either way." Zoro reminds.

"For the love of all things holy, what are you two talking about?" I shout.

"To think the rare omega would be the brother of our alpha." A girl whispered. My two friends gave me another sad look

"Well, looks like you're the wolf we've all been waiting for." What?!

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