Chapter Six

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My birthday was in the middle of June, and when it finally arrived, I was nervous. I wanted to be with Rin, to hug him, kiss him, but I was nervous and slightly scared. I had no idea what it would be like, the entire experience.

Still, the day started off great, waking up in his arms, bodies pressed together. He woke up before me, ready to greet me.

"Morning Misaki. Happy Birthday." He smiled lovingly.

"Morning." I smiled back sweetly. He flipped our bodies so that he was hovering over me. He leaned down and gently, lovingly, and all around, heart warmingly kissed me. It was my first kiss, and it felt amazing. I kissed back the best I could. He pulled away too soon, in my opinion.

"Everything else comes later, but I'm glad I can finally kiss you." He informed. I grinned up at him.

"I'm happy too." I yanked him back down, pulling out lips together. I wanted to taste more of him, but I was aware that I couldn't right now. Still, this pleasant feeling. Was it because we were mates? I pulled away and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"We have to get dressed Misaki." Rin chuckled.

"Aww, and here I was hoping to snuggle all day." I joked.

Rin just lazily rolled his eyes and got up, "let's eat breakfast." I got out of bed with him.

To me, it was almost comical. We had started out hating each other, wanting nothing to do with each other, but accepting things because we were mates. Now, I wanted all that he could give me.

We were heading out of the room when he grabbed my hand. A massive blush heated my face as I moved closer to him. We were only two and a half years apart, so if I was this flustered, so was he. When I glanced up, I could tell I was right. Pink flooded his cheeks. We left the room.

We headed to the dining room where Alfred and Alice were chatting. Alice seemed angry, but hid it when we walked in.

"Morning lovebirds. Happy birthday Misaki." Alfred smiled.

"Thanks!" I smiled back,

"It's your birthday? Happy birthday." Alice smiled.

"Thank you." I felt my face get all warm, and I was smiling a lot. Probably the cause.

"Oh, that Paige girl brought some presents from back home. We already checked them to make sure nothing was in them, but I was shocked to see those idiots sent you anything." Alfred informed.

"Are you talking about his brother and friends?" Rin raised a brow.

"Seems so." Alfred nodded.

"Can't believe the nerve of those people." Alice pursed her lips.

"What can I really do though. Even if they're assholes, they're still family." I shrugged.

"Let's not talk about them for now, it's your birthday after all, a happy day!" Rin urged.

"Yeah, you're right. It's not likes it's bad. I still like today." I smiled cheerfully, giving his hand a little squeeze.

"That's good." Rin smiled back lovingly.

"You two are saps!" Alfred groaned.

"It's cute." Alice smiled softly. I leaned into Rin a bit.

"Let's eat, we've got a big day ahead." Rin suggest. I nodded, and we sat next to each other at the table, a few maids of sorts bringing food in. Confetti pancakes. I smiled happily and dug in.

"I'm actually curious, what does your wolf form look like?" Alice asked me as I finished my food.

"It's nothing really." I shrugged.

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