Chapter Two

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I stand outside with my brother, Zero not wanting to let me leave. I had already sad my farewells to everyone, all of them encouraging me to say, but my brother, knowing better, told them it was next to impossible. I wish he had hoped more, maybe I'd be able to muster the courage to fight Rin, my mate.

We heard the screech of tires before we saw the car. When it rolled up, Rin stepped out, and he walked up. The mood was sad and he didn't give a fuck about it.

"Ready to go?" He questions. I nod solemnly. "Good." I turn to my brother.

"I'll miss you Zero, you and Zoro and Ichigo, mom, dad." I hug him tightly.

"We'll miss you too baby bro. Good luck." I pull away and follow an annoyed looking Rin. My suitcases were put into the trunk by the driver and I got in the back with Rin, his hairdos nowhere in sight. I doubt if be able to take him anyways.

"They went back yesterday." He informed, seemingly as if he read my mind.

"Okay." I mumble.

"Speak up." The car had already started and I would be unable to talk to the driver the entire movie, due to the thick metal door/window, whatever.

"I understand." I say as loud as I could muster currently. He looked pissy and looked me over.

"You look terrible." I drop my heads at the words, the harsh knives that cut my skin. "I don't want have you looking like crap when we get there, so lie down and rest." He ordered. I nodded and laid down on the seats. I didn't expect myself to actually fall asleep, yet my head got lighter and eyes heavier as I started to fall as-.............

Many hours later......

I found myself awaken in a room, a rather large one, my bags against the closet door and my clothes had been changes to crisp cotton pajamas.

"Huh?" I was still a bit groggy as I sat up. The room itself looked much too big, and it seemed as if there was already someone living in this room. My questions were answered when the door opened and run walked in with a book. He put it back on the shelf before noticing me.

"You're awake? It's pretty late, so if you want dinner, we should walk over there now." He seemed quiet now, and he didn't seem angry at all.

"O-okay." I get out of the bed and follow him quietly to the dining hall.

"Don't be so quiet." He ordered.

"Sorry." I didn't really know how to react in this situation. I didn't know anything about him. I heard him sigh heavily.

"This situation isn't pleasant for either of us. Remaining quiet and not speaking up isn't going to help you at all." He said sourly.

"Well, what am I supposed to say? I don't want you as my mate?! I want to go home?! I don't want to be what I am?! Yeah, I can't be that rude. Did I just say that out loud?" I slap a hand over my mouth and grew slightly agitated.

"Just eat, someone will bring you food, I'm going to my study." He left in a rush and I sigh.

"He's pissed." A female said as she walked in, setting a plate in front of me.

"How am I going to survive here? It's not my brother's territory, I know no one, and I'm some stupid rare omega." I groan.

"I feel that things will work out. He may be a bit harsh, but he is a strong leader for our clan." The women smiled kindly as she left. I ate what was given to me, a bit fancier than what I normally ate. My own family was pretty rich considering we've been the leaders for a long time, but I guess the bigger the clan, the richer the leader.

When I finished, someone whisked away my plate and I left, looking for my room again. I got so lost in a house. How is this even possible? Where am I even? What state? What city? Ugh. I was wandering around aimlessly and because of this, I ran smack into someone and fell back, the other person catching me before I could fall completely. My eyes were squeezed shut soon after the impact and I hadn't realized I didn't fall. I open my eyes and blink and look at who I ran into, seeing a pissed off Rin.

"I'm sorry!" I squeaked. A sharp impact hit my back and I found myself pinned to a wall, cornered by him. I was a bit terrified.

"Why a male?" I could smell liquor on his breath. He was a bit young, want he? He's only twenty. I look down.

" Sorry." I apologize. "Things would be much better if I was female." I sigh. His hand grabbed my chin and I was forced to look at him. Maybe through his drunk mess he could see I was sad and terrified. My legs were buckling. He dropped his hand and grabbed my hand, leading me somewhere, soon finding myself in a garden.

"The door over there leads to the room." He was definitely drunk and looked ready to collapse. I grabbed his hand and brought him to the room. He didn't seem to understand until I had brought him to the room and made him sit on the bed, getting a glass of water.

"You're to young to drink." I inform as I force him to drink. He takes it and looks drowsy. Did he get any sleep? I sigh and look for some clothes for him to change into. I found some and went back over and started to undress him. He seemed to out of it to notice. He probably did the same for me earlier.

Rin had a pretty damn good body and I couldn't help but blush when I changed his pants. When he was all dressed for bed I tucked him into bed. I got up to turn off the light and he grabbed my arm, yanking me back.

"Stay." He drunkly mumbled.

"I'm just turning off the light." I inform with a soft whisper. He seemed to understand and I was allowed to et up and turn off the light. I head back to the bed and get into the bed next to him. I left a decent space between us, but Rin wasn't having it.

"You're my mate, aren't you? Get over here." He pulled me to him and my head was against his chest. My brother wouldn't like what's going on. Yet, it's not like I hated this touch, his arm was under my head, I was basically using it as a pillow and the other arm was draped over my waist.

"This is a bit ridiculous. I don't know a thing about you even though I'm your mate, I don't know what I'm supposed to say or do. This is a it stupid, but, please take care of me, and I'll take care of you." I smile shyly at Rin's now sleeping face. I soon find myself drifting off with him.

The next morning.....

I don't want to wake up, I was having a pleasant dream. Alas, my eyes cracked open to see a sleeping face besides me. I was a bit shocked before remembering the events of last night. Right. My hands were on his chest, our legs tangled, my head on his arm, his other arm draped over me. Our faces were close, and I was short of breath. I couldn't easily escape from this.

All hope seemed lost when I saw Rin was starting to wake. I gulp a bit as he opens his eyes. The gray was covered in a heavy cloud of haze. He seemed half asleep still.

"Morning." He yawned, blinking a few times before realizing. "Why are we in the same bed?" He questions curiously with a raised brow.

"You got drunk last night so I brought you to bed and I went to turn off the light and you yanked me back and I had to assure you that I was only turning off the light. I would've left earlier but you put us in this position." I rushed with a hot face.

"I don't have anything planned today, so let's sleep some more." He seemed to pull me even closer.

"What about breakfast?" I question.

"Right. Ah, and I didn't introduce you to my pack yet." He noted. He sighed and we both got up.

"I have to meet your pack?" I question quietly.

"It's tradition to introduce our mates to the clan, is it not the same where you are?" He asks.

"It is, but, they normally wait until after they get to know each other first before introducing them to the pack." I inform.

"Well, we do things a bit differently here." He informs with a smirk.

"I realized that the minute I first laid eyes on you."

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