Chapter Four

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"You tired?" Rin questions as I lay down on the couch in one of the rooms here. I had already been living here for a month and I've gotten used to it. My head was in Rin's lap and he was playing with the ends of my hair.

"Kinda." I yawned as soon I said it and he smiled, brushing some hair out of my face. Due to the fact I'm still technically a minor, all we've done is hold hands by accident and sleep in the same bed. It's nice and relaxing. "That tutor you hired is really strict." I inform.

"That's the point, you listen better then." I smile.

"Ah, I'm tired, let's get to bed." Rin nods and we both get up, heading for bed.

"Goodnight you two." Alfred said as he walked past us.

"Going to meet that lovely mate of yours?" Rin questions.

"Of course. He's gone into heat and it's the rare times like this where I can have fun to my hearts content." He joked.

"Very funny." I chuckle.

"Goodnight." Rin smiled as he and I head to our room. We've gotten okay with changing in front of each other, there was nothing sexual about that. We still showered separately. The two of us got in bed after we changed  and I snuggled against him, it used to happen by accident, but we found it so comfortable that we just go to sleep like this.

"Night." I whisper.


The next day......

"It's been awhile since I've seen my family, maybe I should call, FaceTime, something." I comment causally and both Alfred and Rin looked at me in shock.

"You mean you haven't contacted them?" Rin asks worriedly.

"They know I'm alright. I text them I quick hi or something every week." I inform.

"That pack leader is going to kill me. Ugh, do we have anything planned today Alfred?" Rin questions.

"Nothing. Tomorrow and the rest of this week is free, but starting next Monday, you'll be quite busy." He informed. Rin sighed.

"Pack a weeks worth of clothes, we're going to visit that family of yours. They must be worried out of their damn minds." He sighed.

"Oh, okay, I'll go pack then."

Back home at last.....

I took a heavy breath and smiled up at the sky. We had stayed the night at a hotel because is was too late to keep going. But at last, we arrived. With Alfred and Rin, I walk to the front door of my house and knock.

"Coming!" The door opens to reveal my brother. The shock on his face made me grin.

"I've come back to visit!" I exclaimed.

"Is that Misaki?" Zoro'a voice sounded.

"He's back?" Saki questions.

"Let's go greet them!" Ichigo boomed. The three ran to the door and smiled seeing me, the their smile dropped seeing Rin and Alfred behind me.

"I missed you guys!" I exclaimed.

"Honestly." Rin chuckles.

"Okay, so I may have forgot for a day or two, but still, I'm glad to see you guys again." I grin.

"Sorry to do a sudden surprise visit. I'm Alfred, Rin's second in command, we've heard a lot about you from Misaki." Alfred smiled.

"My tutor he hired is so strict." I complain.

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