Chapter Eight

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A couple months went by and Rin seemed to be overworking himself, just so that he could take time off when I gave birth. I appreciated the gesture.

I brought him some tea after lunch as he was at his computer.

"Hey, don't overwork yourself, okay?" I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Misaki. Still, I want to be there when the kids are born." Rin smiled.

"Just be sure to watch your health or I'm going to worry about you." I laughed softly.

"I will. You should be getting back to your online classes." Rin grinned.

"We finished for today. I'm helping make dinner." I kissed his cheek one more time and left.

I fought back my unhealthy cravings pretty well so far, and busied myself so I'd be able to raise kids better. Sure, having kids at eighteen was, terrifying but, the idea was also, exhilarating.

"You know, I'm glad you entered Rin's life. He was a bit of a mess before you." Alfred commented as he helped me cut up vegetables.

"How so?" I commented.

"Well, in his childhood friend and, he was always beat up over the fact that he didn't get to choose who who loved, having a mate and all, and as we grew up, he didn't want to become the pack leader. He went out drinking, shoplifted, a bunch of pretty bad things. The day the world found out you were the rare omega, Rin became the pack leader. When he found out everything, he was a mess. Still, when he laid eyes on you, I could see some of that bad side slip away. The longer you stayed with him, the better he became. So, I'm glad you're his mate." Alfred informed.

I smiled to myself and finished chopping up carrots, sliding the slices carrots into the hot pot we were making. "Hey Alfred?"

"Yeah?" Alfred hummed.

"Do you think Rin and I are ready for kids?" I asked softly.

He raised a brow, "who knows. By the time they're born. Rin will be twenty one, but he's still young. The two of you could be amazing parents right off the bat, or maybe you'll be terrible parents. Still, that aside, Rin wants to have kids with you and you want to have kids with him. To me, that sounds like you're ready."

"Thanks Alfred." I smiled kindly.

"I'm just stating the truth." Alfred grinned. Ruffling my hair. "Though, there's a lot of things I'm still curious about." Alfred shrugged.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, just the coincidences that tied your pack to ours. Like the omega to beta to alpha ratio. Things like that." Alfred shrugged.

"Well, there were only three omega's in my pack, my mom, my brother's mate and me. We have six betas which is weird since they're the more common type, and they're all mates with each other. Everyone else is an alpha." I admitted.

"We have one omega, and he's my mate, and three alphas, Alice, Rin and I. Our parents too, I guess, but it doesn't matter much anymore. Everyone else is a beta." Alfred informed.

"That's pretty interesting. Well, maybe fate decided we need to be tied together as packs. With me here, you have an alliance with my pack." I reminded.

"Pretty true." The two of us laughed and finished with the dish we were making.

Then day winded down after that and Rin ate dinner with us, happily talking to me and asking me how I felt and such. He even complimented me on how amazing the food tasted.

"Hey Misaki, after the kids are born and things calm down, why don't we eat married?" Rin casually suggested, making Alice and Al just stare at him in shock.

"That was out of the blue." Alice commented.

"Bit really, I've been thinking about it for awhile, before I even knew he was pregnant, because I want to marry him." Rin smiled softly, making me blush.

"Well, if that's the case, we'll help you plan for it. If Misaki says yes." Alice smiled. All three looked at me.

"We're practically married already, its about time we made it official." I smiled softly. Rin smiled back and leaned in and kissed me. It was sweet, super sweet. I pulled away blushing.

"You two are still a pretty pure couple despite literally everything." Alfred sighs.

"I'm curious, will you still get heats when you're pregnant?" Alice questioned.

"Yeah, but it's not like I can get more pregnant. This body isn't changing. Though, after I give birth, we need to get birth control. Supposedly it will stop me from becoming pregnant during my heats." I informed.

"Your heats are a bit all over the place." Rin commented.

"My first heat was when I discovered I was this rare omega. My second one was when I got pregnant. My heats aren't very common." I shrugged.

"Most omega's go into heat about four times a year. And they don't last long either." Alice commented.

"I think that's my bodies way of preventing me from getting pregnant all the time." I blushed a bit.

"Anyways, were done here for the day and were going to head home. Guards already are on duty, so you don't have to worry." The pair left and Rin and I cleaned up.

"I'll buy you a ring when I can." Rin smiled sweetly.

"For now, let's get some rest, you look exhausted." I brought my hands to his face, brushing my fingers against his cheeks.

"I worked had enough that I have some time off where I don't have to work at all." He informed.

"Maybe you should get a business partner so you don't have to work yourself so hard." I smiled softly.

"It's not hard, it's just that I want to be able to help you when the kids are born." He assured.

"You don't need to worry so much." I got on my toes and pressed our lips together, kissing him softly. "Here, your birthday is next month. Take the day off, we can celebrate it, just you and I, doing whatever you want." I suggested sweetly.

"But that's-"

"Rin, you'll still be in the house while you're working. Did you forget that? If anything happens, you can always rush to our side. So calm down and relax, okay?" I smiled, hugging him. He relaxed and hugged me back.

"You're right. I've been so focused on working, I've hardly spent any time with you." He sighed.

"Let's get some sleep, okay?" He nodded and the two of us headed to bed. We snuggled together, under the covers, his arms draped protectively over me. I had gotten used to being in his arms. It was the most amazing feeling in the world to me.

"You'll be a wonderful dad." Rin whispered softly.

"So will you." We smiled at each other and Rin looked down at my stomach.

"Still hard to believe yore carrying kids." He chuckled.

"Yeah. Still, I'm happy." We smile stupidly at each other.

"Let's get some rest." Rin chuckled, and I nodded, snuggling up to him, closing my eyes. He pressed one last kiss to my forehead and soon I heard his soft snores. I smiled against his chest, listening to the steady heartbeat.

"I'm so happy that you're my mate." I whispered and fell asleep.

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