Chapter Ten

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For the most part, Rin managed to stay by my side the entire time the kids were still pups. He did have to work on occasion, but even when he did, that night he'd sleep with me and the kids. He'd always make sure he'd do that.

For me? Well, I moved some things into the makeshift bedroom so I could continue my classes and only need to leave to feed the kids. It was a pretty steady schedule we kept to, and with Alice and Alfred benign there with us, it wasn't too hard. Then, six months later, they became actual children. In that time span, I had become nineteen, but still, I was happy that we waited for them to grow.

The minute they became human, they tried to walk. They couldn't of course, but they were able to crawl. And they were the cutest little rascals I had ever seen.

Rose and Jamie both had dark blonde hair, bordering on brown, which made sense. Conner and Izumi had really light brown hair. And then Lily straight up looked like me and Luke looked like Rin. Adorably cute with their silver eyes trained on us.

"They're so perfectly beautiful." Rin gushed, picking up Conner as I picked up Rose. We just hung out with the adorable infants until we had to feed them regular baby food. They were on the stage where they could eat liquid foods.

They were babbling like no ones business and Alice and Alfred were gushing over them, happy they were able to hold them. Rin and I were adamant about no one holding them while they were pups.

"So, should we invite family over to see the kids?" Rin asked as he fed Lily.

"How about we just invite family this time? Since it was a bit crowded with friends here as well." I suggested, feeding Luke. Alice and Alfred were feeding the other two.

"That sounds good." Rin smiled casually.

"So, sudden question. Misaki, what are you planning on doing once you graduate from college?" Alice hummed, happily feeding both Jamie and Rose.

"Oh, well, before I moved here, I was working to become a writer and maybe a school teacher? I'm getting the basics out of the way for now before I decide for sure." I admitted.

"That sounds fun. If you become a writer you'll work from home like me, and if you become a teacher, you may end up teaching the kids at one point." Rin chuckled.

"Well, guess we'll know in the future. You two excited for your wedding next month?" Alfre questioned, wiping some dribble from Conner's mouth.

"Of course we're excited!" Rin and I say together. We smiled at each other as we said it.

"We'll finally be married." Rin grinned, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. We didn't notice how the kids stared at us, happy glimmers in their eyes.

"You're an idiot." I grinned back, pulling him into a quick kiss.

All at once, "Dada!" The kids screamed in delight. All four of us turned to the kids as they stared back at me and Rin.

"I did some research if my own and discovered that your kids will be very emotionally invested in you two. No family drama." The four of us snapped our heads to the new voice, seeing the Nurse, Cammy, who came every once in awhile.

"That's good." I smiled calmly.

"They're adorable little kids. Also." Cammy threw something at me which I grabbed quickly, findings birth control. A lot of it. "I was able to guess when the next heat might come around, so hold onto those." She winked.

"Why did you come here?" Alice asked as I blushed heavily, continuing to feed the kids.

"Well, I need to talk to the happy couple in private." Cammy sighed. Something in her tone unsettled me, Worried me.

"Okay, we'll go to the other room to talk. Watch the kids." Rin ordered and the three of us went to the now empty room.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" I questioned.

"Well, you may not remember since you were pretty much out of it, but I took DNA samples from all of you, your kids too, but Rin got them for me. I was analyzing the data, looking for possible genetic flaws and well..." Cammy sighed, her brown hair falling into her face slightly.

"What is it?" I questioned worriedly.

"The rare omega gene is genetic. Though, I was only able to recently confirm that when a recessive gene became dominant." The minute the words left her mouth, I understood.

"They're also rare omegas?" I questioned.

"No. Only three of them. Luke, Izumi and Rose. The thee three are Alphas, but carry the gene. Any omega born into your family will become a rare omega. Misaki, you are the first of the rare omegas to be both accepted by your same sex mate, and to successfully have kids. Before, the chances of a male omega having kids was pretty low. Families died out and the gene mutated into new families. So it seems that you're the family destined to carry the gene." Cammy informed.

"Does anyone else know?" Rin asked frantically.

"No. The three of us are the only ones who know. I thought I should tell you, so you can be prepared. Luke will probably also have a male mate. If he has a female mate, then there will never be any need to tell him." Cammy sighed.

The two of us nodded, "we were going to find out who their mates are later today, should we be worried?" Rin asked.

"No. Unlike Misaki, the gene is tamer for them. For Misaki, it's a mutation, for them, its genetics. When the time comes for them to be with their mate, their heat won't be so violent." Cammy assured.

"That's good." I smiled.

"Thanks for telling us first." Rin grinned.

"You two deserve to know. I won't tell another soul." She smiled and left quickly after. Rin and I headed back to Alice and Alfred. The kids had passed out and were currently napping.

"We'll watch after the kids some more, you two have to find out who their mates are after all." Alfred chuckled.

"I wish I was able to tell like I can with others, but I just can't. Nothing appears to me." I sighed.

"It's probably so you can't interfere." Alice suggested.

"Maybe." I hugged once more and soon after, Rin and I went to a place nearby that would be able to tell us our kids mates.

The place was, creepy. I held Rin's hand when we entered. The place was like a shrine, no actual person was there, just a well. You'd throw in a name and/or DNA, and it would spit back out a name. Well, it was more complicated than that, but that was the gist of it.

Rin and I threw our kids names in the well, one at a time of course, and got the names back. There were three names missing. A name for Conner, Jamie, and Lily. The alphas. I clung to Rin as we read the girls. Both their mates were boys, and Rin said he'd research the families later, then there was Luke's.

We were worried. Luke looked like Rin, but he was basically me. It made me worry. We opened up the slip of paper.

"Quinn Walters."

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