Chapter One

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I was currently locked in my own home, I wasn't allowed to leave, no one knew what would happen. It's been a month since I found out what I was.

"Why the hell is this happening to me!" I shout, hitting my bedroom door, swinging it open. My heat is over now! Let me go back to school!

"Don't get mad Misaki." My brother sighed. I glared at him.

"You don't know what exactly I'm feeling or thinking do you? I was forced away from my friends, told I'm some wolf that can produce multiple babies, despite being a male. I literally want to die." I inform with. Sour tone.


"Just- leave me alone. If I can't go back to school, then I want to be alone." I order. My brother gives me a sad look and leaves. I think back to when he found out.

A month ago....

"What?" I question dryly. "That can't be fucking possible! I'm a man!" I exclaimed.

"We have to get you home, now!" Zoro exclaimed and picked me off the ground. Ichigo and Zoro then escorted me off the grounds, the fresh news spreading like wildfire, everywhere we go.

"Why is this happening to me!" I exclaimed.

"Zoro, Ichigo, what's going on?" My brothers voice appeared and I looked up.

"That rare Omega, has just been found." Ichigo informed sadly. My brother looked at me in shock.

"Shit." He muttered. "Shit. Shit. Shit! Shit! SHIT!" He kept muttering loudly.

"Yeah, it's pretty damn bad." I say bitterly.

"Zoro, Ichigo, bring him back home inform my parents and tell them it's time to operate protocol omega." He ordered. I was pushed past my brother, nothing making sense. What was going on! Why'd it have to happen to me? Up until now, I had a pretty normal life, worrying about tests and nothing else.

Present day.....

I sigh as I look outside my bedroom window, seeing some strange people. My brother is talking to them. A man about twenty one years old is at the front, and their conversation was pretty animated. The man was definitely an alpha, my brother only got that pissed when it came to territory. His body guards which looked like high schoolers were definitely betas.

My brother seemed to try to persuade them to do something, but the man shook his head and demanded something. My brother didn't seem able to deny the man. He entered the house and I heard his footsteps.

"I'm so sorry." My brother apologized as he entered.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"The reason I've been keeping you here is I found out who your mate was and I wasn't happy. But news of you got out and he decided to head here to retrieve you. Anyone else would be perfectly fine, why did it have to be him!" My brother exclaimed.

"How'd you figure out my mate?" I question curiously.

"Well, some of us are told our mates name at birth if they're alive yet, and we were told yours, we sent for information and he found out and became curious. His family got his mate fort old, getting you. He said he'd never have a male as a mate, we said the same. His attitude is bad and he is one of the bigger packs out there." My brother informed. My eyes bugged.

"That man out there is my mate? I have to leave? What about my friends here? Or my schooling?" I question feverishly.

"I don't know. He wants to see you, he isn't taking you away today." I sigh and look out the window. I get up and look down.

"Let's go meet my mate. I really hate this." I inform, my brother agreeing silently. We walk together and I walk outside, getting a good look at my mate. He was definitely twenty years old. His hair was blonde and his eyes were silver, just like mine. He stood at a whopping 6'3, making me seem tiny.

"So this is what he looks like. He's leaving with us tomorrow." The man informs.

"W-wait! I'm not eighteen yet and I haven't finished school! Please, can you wait until the end of my school year? If you do, I won't resist going with you at all." I plead.

"Don't say something like that." My brother whispers.

"Will anyone here treat you normally now though?" The mans fingers tilted my chin up. "A man omega, the rarest male omega of them all. None of them will see you any different. I have teachers who teach at home, and it's not like I'm denying your life, you'll be allowed to visit." The man smirked. I must have looked so defeated, because my brother stepped between us.

"He's seventeen! He's been told he's not normal, rushed at of school, think of him. You've got to be nice somewhere Rin." My brother pleaded.

"Ha! Look here, I'm not going to listen to either of you. I'm only here to fetch my mate. If you don't want war, I suggest he's packed and ready by tomorrow." The group leaves and I sink to my knees.

"Misaki....." My brother made me get to my feet and go inside, where I silently made my way to my room to pack my things. "I'll tell Zoro and Ichigo to come over. You'll want to say goodbye." He leaves and I pack my things, everything I'll need. My clothes and personal health items, I packed it all. I had two large suitcase filled when I was done, both pretty heavy. I wanted to cry.

"Misaki...." I look towards the door and my two friends rushed in and hugged me, realizing I was going to break out into tears.

"I don't want to leave, I want to stay here! With everyone!" I sobbed.

"We know. We don't want you to leave either. Neither does anyone else. We've been with you forever, we don't want you to leave." Zoro sighs, letting me cry on their clothes.

"This is bullshit! It's just not right! To take someone out of their home! He's still a minor until June!" I sigh at Ichigo's words, the tears coming to a stop.

"It just isn't fair. I don't like my mate, and I don't like being a rare omega, I'd much rather be a normal, or a human! Anything is better than this." I whisper. The two hold me even closer.

"We know. Why couldn't your mate have been anyone else?" Zoro sighs.

"We can't change what our gods have decided. And as much as I hate to say it, and I really fucking hate it, if that man is your mate, then that means you have compatible souls and seeing how rare yours is, his must be rare as well." My brother says bitterly.

"I promise I'll come to visit a lot, okay?" I inform.

"We'll welcome you with open arms." The three hugged me tightly, holding me as if they would let me go, I would be forced away, which was pretty much true.

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