Chapter Seven

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My heat lasted a week. Rin stayed with me through all of it. When it ended, he was still there.

I woke up, my almost bare body pressed against Rin's. I smiled happily at him and nuzzles into him. I knew what was bound to happen, and I was ready for it.

I already told Rin the gist of what would happen if we did all the things we did during my heat, but there was more to it. Along with me being able to give birth, even though I'm male, im able to give birth to multiple offsprings. My human body will be the same, not changing much, but when I give birth, I have to give birth in wolf form, and my wild form will become female, temporarily, to allow such a thing. So if I wanted to keep having sex, nothing would really happen. The only thing that would affect my actual body, would be the occasional morning sickness and cravings.

Rin woke up. I like lord st him happily as he did.

"Morning." He spoke softly.

"We should probably get something to eat." I suggested.

"Yeah, we really didn't do much of that this week." Rin teased.

"Shut up." I blushed.

"Okay, okay." The two of us got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, and headed to the kitchen. Waiting there was not only, Al and Alice like normal, but also.... my family and friends, excluding my mom and dad, so just my brother.

"We tried to stop them from getting in." Al sighed.

"What do you want?" I snap at them, my anger, a bit unlike me. Everyone besides Al and Rin looked surprised.

"That was more violent than you normally are." Paige commented, "you're not violent."

"Nevermind that, what is everyone doing here, besides Paige because she's always welcome." I asked.

"We came here to apologize." Zero softly sighed.

"Apparently, the drinks they had the night you were visiting were poisoned. It was like a magic of sorts. Nothing they said held truth to it." Paige informed.

"Well, some things did I guess. I feel bad about even saying any of that about you. You're my little brother. Sure, I get jealous that grandma liked you more, but I should have never said those things. Zero apologized, surprising Alice, Al, Rin and I.

"We did get mad every one in awhile since we had to be gentle with you, and then wth the whole special omega thing, we just got unnecessarily frustrated Zori sighed.

"We came to apologize and check in on you. You just turned eighteen after all." Saki smiled sweetly.

"Can you even somewhat forgive us?" Ichigo asked. I scratched the back of my neck. I looked at Paige, who smiled at me and gave a gentle nod.

"Yeah. I can't say the trust I had for you is going to be there right away, but I'll forgi-" my face flushed. "Be right back, I have to vomit." Rin nodded and I rushed to the nearest bathroom, spilling my guts out it seemed. I quickly washed up and got back.

"You better?" Rin asked softly.

"Much." I smiled.

"Are you okay?" Zero questioned.

"Yeah, well. How do I say this...." I bit my lip. "On my birthday, I became an adult and well, I wanted to become Rin's and have him mark me. And well, my heat kicked in. So....." I blushed, "I'm pregnant!" I exclaimed. Everyone, besides Al and Rin, dropped their jaws in shock as I blushed an even darker red.

"What!" They exclaimed.

"Congratulations!" Paige and Alice then exclaimed themselves.

"If you're wondering, Rin actually wanted to hold off and tried to get suppressants so we wouldn't go so fast, but it was consensual." I informed. Ron was blushing after I said that.

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