Chapter Eleven

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We decided to wait until after the wedding before we took action of any sorts regarding Luke's mate. We did learn more about the girl's mates and it was nice talking to their mates parents.

With that pushed to the back of our minds, we focused on the Wedding.

It was spectacular. Beautiful dresses and tuxes glittered against the black room. Space. We were the stars, the planets, everything.

"Does anyone object to this marriage? Speak now or for fever hold your peace." No one spoke. They simply smiled at us. We exchanged our vows, Rin going first.

"To think, over a year ago, we couldn't stand each other. With you beside me, you made me a better person, and you drive me crazy, and I love you for that. No matter what happens in the future, I'll love you through all of it." He spoke, smiling sincerely at me, and I smiled back.

I spoke next, letting the words roll off my tongue, "when everything began, finding things about myself that I never knew, I was afraid of what my future would hold. Though, the minute we met wasn't the best, everything after made up for it. You make me happier than anyone else has. I love you." We smiled at each other as people gushed at us.

"You may now kiss the groom." I got on my toes and kissed Rin first, who softly kissed back, making me feel all warm and tingly on the inside. The people around us cheered and clapped, but we were in our own little world.


It was such a weird and foreign concept.

We pulled away from each other, pressing our heads together happily, then turning to face everyone.

Every second was amazing, and the toasts were honestly my favorite thing, even if some of them were a bit embarrassing.

Alfred had been the first one to say anything, and boy, did he make it unique, "I have never seen a couple so stupidly sappy, ever, and being this idiot's right hand man, I had to just sit and watch these two idiots pure love. Every second is like being suffocated with angel feathers. I'm thankful they finally got married. Though, even so, I'm probably gonna poke fun at them every now and then. Cheers." Rin and I blushed as we took a sip from our glasses. My brother was next.

"I'm just glad my brother's happy. To think he'd beat me in a lot of things. The first to get married, the first to have kids! Still, I wouldn't ask for any other brother, and his smile is proof that he's happy." I beamed at my brother as I took another sip. Sure, some people who didn't know I had kids glanced at me in shock, but I was holding Luke in my arms, so they kinda guessed he was mine. Rin was holding Rose and Izumi. My brother was playfully holding Jamie and Alice was holding Lily and Conner, who giggled like maniacs.

More toasts came and all too soon, the wedding came to an end, and Rin and I handed to kids over to my brother to watch while we went on our honeymoon.


I thought about the word as we drove the airport, my head resting on his shoulder. His hand gripped my own.

"You know, customs is going to be a pain." Rin chuckled.

"Yeah right, you just don't like meeting Alpha's who control entire counties." I teased.

"I still have more land then him." Rin smirked.

"Two of the largest packs in the U.S.A. Are yours and my brothers. Together we have three fourths of the country." I joked.

"He only has the U.K." We smiled at each other as the car continued on.

Most people were able to come and go from places whenever they pleased, but with pack leaders, they always had to talk to the alpha in charge. The pack leader of wherever they visit. It was annoying to do, but it was to keep peace between packs. Even though some packs were incredibly large like Rin's, they stick to a central town. It kept everything in order.

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