Chapter Five

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How would I even be able to face them. My eyes were puffy and it was obvious I had been crying. My shoulders sagged and my body shook. One look in that mirror and I lost my confidence.

"Come on, let's go." Rin sighed, giving me one last hug. Rin had already called Alfred and informed him in the situation. We left the room and went downstairs.

"Morning little bro! God my head hurts." Zero comments, bit yet seeing. My face.

"Don't drink so much next time. Why's your head down Misaki?" Zoro questions.

"You have to right to talk to him anymore, drunk or not, you sicken me." Rin growled.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ichigo questions. I lift my head.

"I went downstairs to get a drink of water. I- I heard what you said." I informed. The four suddenly froze.

"Misaki, wait, we can explain!" Saki rushed.

"He looked up to you, and then you just squash all the respect he has for you? You sicken me. None of you are allowed to see him. I was going to rip you all to prices, but Misaki said I can't. Be grateful that despite what you said, he still doesn't want you to die. Paige is always welcome at our manor. You are not." Rin growled at them. "He doesn't deserve what you said."

"I hate this place, let's just leave." I comment quietly.

"Let's go." He grabs my hand and I pause.

"Despite what you all thought, Rin is nice, nicer than all of you. I'm still a minor and I haven't even kissed Rin, let along sleep with him, if you have that little respect for me, well, I guess we're no longer family. Screw you all and take whatever four time grandma left, I don't want it if it means being stuck with you." I walked out with Rin, my harsh words clinging to the thick air.

"Stay strong, they aren't allowed to see you cry." Rin ordered. I smile.

"Thanks Rin." We got into the car and Alfred got in the front. He was the driver.

"Where should we head now?" He asks.

"Anywhere. Just somewhere that will make Misaki smile." I smile at him and lay down, resting my head on his lap.

"You don't have to do that. We can just head home. Maybe drop by the library." I smile up at him.

"No, we're going somewhere that will cheer you up." Rin informed.

"Oh my god, I am going insane with your stupid bullshit pure love." Alfred groans.

"Well, we can't exactly legally do anything since I'm a minor for a little bit longer." I remind.

"It does give us time to get to know each other, and we won't rush things." Rin shrugs.

"Ah, I guess that's true. Me and my mate rushed things a bit and well, the sex was good, but I didn't know we had gone back to his place when he lived with his brother. Jesus, Francis really chewed us out." Alfred admits.

"Oh, right, sex is something mates due, and since I can have offspring...." My face heats up exponentially.

"Oh my god, his face is redder than a baboons butt." Alfred snickers.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you that you won't like. I wasn't even thinking about it really." Rin blushed.

"Stupid lovebirds." Alfred said as we started driving. He closed the door so Rin and I can talk in private.

"I had no idea they were like that, I feel betrayed." I sigh.

"I can't believe it either, Zero was arguing with me so god damn much saying how you couldn't go with me. Who would've known..." I close my eyes and hug his torso. "You can sleep some more if you want to. You were crying most of the night."

"Okay. Wake me up when we arrive wherever." I snuggle up to him and close my eyes, falling asleep.


"Wake up." Rin cooed and I smiled as my eyes opened slowly. I blink and sit up, yawning.

"Where are we?" I questioned sleepily.

"Well, I said we'd go someplace that would cheer you up, so we're at an amusement park." Ron informed sweetly. My eyes brightened up.

"Really! Thank you for bringing me!" I exclaimed happily.

"Anything for you." He smiled sweetly. The three of us got out of the car, heading to the front gates. Alfred bought all three of us tickets and we happily went inside. I grabbed their arms and yanked them over to the nearest rollercoaster.

"You really love this type of stuff, don't you?" Alfred joked.

"I do! I haven't been to one since my big brother became the pack leader, so this is awesome!" I grinned. The two smiled back at me and for the rest of the day, we went on ride after ride until the park closed. We went to the nearest hotel and got two rooms. We insisted on one, but Alfred said he didn't want to share a room with the two of us.

So Ron and I sat on our bed. I was hugging a pillow, wearing my pajamas and he was simply wearing boxers and a t-shirt. I leaned on him.

"Thanks for today. After everything that happened, thank you." I sighed softly.

"I just want you to be happy. Even if we weren't mates, I'd want nothing but for you to be happy." Rin assured, wrapping an arm around me. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

"Hey Rin, my birthday is coming soon enough and, well, I think I know what gift I want from you." I blushed.

"And what is that?" Rin raised a brow.

"I want you to kiss me. Have my way with me. Make me yours, mark me." I blushed and my words made him blush too.

"A-are you sure? Don't be rash." He commented, flustered.

"I'm not being rash. I want that. I want to be yours. I want you and I want you to hold me. Never in my life have I wanted something more, and never in my life did I think I'd get the chance to be this way with my mate." I blushed as I spoke.

"Okay, then on your birthday, that's exactly what I'll do." He smiled sweetly at me and his face was flushed, just like mine was. We were both completely new to the whole romance thing. I didn't mind, I was happy.

"I've never been happier." I whispered softly. So soft that he could barely hear. But he heard it, and that made my heart skip a beat.

I was happy.

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