I wake up. I don't really want to. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't, but then I look at my life. My mom is yelling for me to wake up, so I get up and throw on my old converse and my grey hoodie with some jeans. I put my earbuds in and head out the door. I'm 14 years old, so I'm on my way to Glendale High School. I've always wanted to leave this place, but I just don't know how.

As I get out of the car I tell my mom I love her, put my head down, and become invisible. I see the popular girls cracking down on their victim to my right, and the jock guys body slamming a defenseless nerd to my left. Oh high school what a joy. I try my best to blend in and get through it. All that mumbo jumbo about standing out and being unique will just get you hurt around here. I go to my first class, Language Arts. Reading and writing are things I love to do, obviously, or I wouldn't be writing right now. The class was going well until Mrs. Jansen says ,"Okay let's have a paired assignment..and I'll pick the groups." This isn't going to be good.  Okay so Kelli is with Quentin. Aw poor Q. Well at least that's one mean girl down. Now Rachel is with Erika. Okay one more mean girl to go.. Meredith is with..me. Me?! Why?!

I don't know what I have ever done to Mrs. Jansen, but right now, I have a bone to pick with that lady! Okay, Meredith Chase. I can do this.

No you can't. You can't do anything right stupid girl. You might as well kill yourself, you'll never be good enough.

Oh god, not now Grace. Stop talking that way.

You know it's true. Stop fighting.

Please stop.

It was just language arts..

Grace you are a terrible human being and nobody will ever love you.

Anxiety is trying to take over. Depression is fighting too. And here it comes all over again.

But I just got better.

I raise my hand,"Mrs. Jansen? May I use the restroom?" Oh please say yes. She finally says go ahead.

Now I'm running.

Away from Mrs.Jansen and Meredith Chase.

Away from myself.

And I'm drowning.


~Author's Note: If you guys want me to keep going with this just let me know. I hope you like it. -GT

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