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It's been 3 days since the funeral.

I can't sleep or think.

I feel guilty. Like I took advantage of her while she was alive. I didn't get to tell her what she meant to me.

Jared hasn't called or messaged me. He hasn't even said anything to me at school. He's adjusting back to old ways, and so am I. So I guess it's best that we don't even look at one another.

I don't know what to do now. I guess I'll sit. Until I'm falling. And drowning out of the reality I'm in.
The Next Morning

My alarm clock rings. School. Woo. I throw on my clothes and shoes. Today I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. Not really in the mood.

I go to school and I notice there is a new guy today. He's sorta cute. Oh well.

How dare you? Your best friend just died and you're worried about a guy?! Some friend you are.

They're cleaning out her locker. They're taking down the memories of our friendship. The photographic evidence that she has been there for me from the start. And they're throwing it all away.

I wasn't even looking where I was going. I feel myself bump into someone. I look up. I'd know those piercing blue eyes anywhere. Jared.

"Hey Grace."

I'm so angry. No calls, no texts, not even a kiss my butt, I hate you glare.

"Oh now you're talking to me?!"

He looks so confused.


"Just shut up! My best friend just died, and you didn't even think to call."

And with those words, I pressed on.

I'm walking through the hallway when I'm pushed into someone else. I look up.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to walk into you."

"Oh it's fine! Don't think we've ever met! My name's Blake."

His warm brown eyes are friendly. He's wearing a fall out boy shirt. Good taste. He seems nice, it would be great to have a friend right now.

Who would want to be friends with you? Monster.

"Hi Blake. My name's Grace Tate."

"Well Grace Tate, let's dodge these people and get to class!"

I have a feeling this guy's gonna be fun.

Blake drops me off at Language Arts, when I see the new guy. He's sitting in the middle row. Right next to my seat. I sit down and his bright green eyes seem to bore into my soul. He finally speaks up.

"Hey, my name's Carter. I'm new here."

"Well hello Carter. My name is Grace Tate."

"Grace. Pretty name. You know any of this stuff?"

Wow. He's awfully blunt.

"Yeah. I read and write a lot. This stuff is pretty easy when you give a little effort."

"You're pretty smart. Wanna show me around?"

"I'm not really feeling up to it..maybe another time?"

"Thanks for being honest Grace Tate, at least you can keep your mouth from gaping open at my flawless beauty."

He nudged me and points to my left. I see the popular girls eating this guy up with flirtatious moves.

"Wow, feel sorry for you man. They're some bad ones."

We both laugh at my remark and then the bell rings.

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