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Minyoung took the rose and stared at it. She was speechless. Her mouth gaped open slightly at the beautiful sight in front of her. Jungkook found her expression nothing but cute. He took the opportunity to lace his fingers around hers.

She didn't move nor even flinch. "Jungkook, th-this is.." Jungkook let out a small laugh. "I know.. It's beautiful. Jimin hyung is really good at decorating.. Taehyung hyung, well... I don't think he really did anything...except for moving the table and chairs here.."

Minyoung turned to him and gave him a peck on his cheek. "It's perfect.. Thank you.."

Jungkook led Minyoung over to the table and pulled out the seat for her. He then took the seat opposite to hers. He stared at her for a moment then he smiled lovingly.

"You are really beautiful, you know that?"

Minyoung felt the heat rise up to her cheeks. "Umma did a great job at doing my make up and my hair..."

Jungkook shook his head. "I'd still prefer you without make up any day.." Minyoung nodded, at loss for words. Her heart started to beat really fast.

Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing to me?, she thought.

Jungkook's voice brought her back to reality. "Let's eat?" She nodded, though she did not properly register what he had said to her just now.

"I didn't bother to cook anything since I might poison you... But I did make grilled cheese. It's the only food I could make." He smiled sheepishly while placing a grilled cheese sandwich on her plate.

"Jimin hyung and I bought cakes from a friend's cafe. Trust me, his cakes are the best in the world!"

Minyoung only responded with a hum. She was busy watching Jungkook's every move, wondering if all of this was just a dream. She pinched herself secretly under the table and winced a bit at the pain.

It isn't a dream... But it all feels like a dream...

"Minyoung...? Are you okay?"

"H-huh?" She looked at him her brows raised slightly.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" Jungkook looked at her, concerned. She shook her head, though he didn't buy it. He leaned over and placed a hand on her forehead. He sighed in relief when she wasn't warm.

"I told you, I'm fine.." Minyoung took his hand from her forehead and gave him a reassuring smile.

"You keep spacing out. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just... happy... that's all." she replied. Jungkook nodded and told her to start eating.

When the finished eating the cakes, Jungkook looked at her, his heart beating faster than ever. This is it, he thought. He reached for something in his pocket and held on to it tightly before putting it back.

He grabbed her hand gently and pulled her up. He looked deeply into her eyes, his hands still intertwined with hers.

"Minyoung, ever since the day I saw you first walk in to class, I knew that I had to make you mine. You made my heart jump at the littlest things you do. You never knew, but I'm always watching out for you. Even if you were always behind me. I always had your back.." Jungkook paused and took a deep breath.

"When I found out that you liked me back, I knew that I needed to make a move right away. It was hard that you always try to avoid me... I don't know what I'm even saying... all I want to say is.." He bit his lip and took another sharp breath.

"I love you, Lee Minyoung."

Minyoung was trying to fight back her tears this whole time. But somehow now after Jungkook said those words, the tears started to fall nonstop.

"J-Jungkook.... I... I love you too..."

Jungkook smiled and held her by her waist. He pulled her closer, so close that their lips were almost touching.

"Minyoung, will you be mine?" he asked. She felt his hot breath on her lips and she could only feel nothing but her heart beating so fast that she could feel it jumping out of her chest.

"Y-yes. Of course.." she managed to reply. Jungkook smiled and said nothing else. He closed the gap between their lips.

Minyoung's eyes closed slowly when she felt his soft lips on hers. She started to feel something on the pit of her stomach. Without thinking, she placed her arms around Jungkook's neck.

All she could think about now was Jungkook, the kiss and how this felt so right.

Everything felt right.

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