Chapter One- Visions of fantasy

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Serefk’na- Visions of fantasy

I was sitting at my desk, waiting for afternoon register. Some of my classmates- including one of my best friends Tigre- were having huge amounts of fun locking each other in a cupboard. I watched them with disbelief, wondering if they were actually aware of their own age- although what confused me even more was wondering what part of the process could possibly make it an enjoyable experience.

Senka walked over to my side. “Are they at it again?” she asked as she heard the giggling which now emanated from behind the closed cupboard door.

“Yes” I sighed. “Apparently being locked in a tiny, dark, cramped cupboard is an even more magical experience than Disneyland- my theory is that it contains a secret entrance to Narnia.”

“Well, there must be something magical about it to make it that much fun”, said Senka as another round of laughter came from the direction of the small closet. I grinned and was about to answer, when unfortunately our conversation was broken up as Miss Barbant entered the room.

I regarded her with the weariness that is normally applied to teachers who hate children. Senka groaned quietly as she moved to her seat, not a surprising reaction from someone who- along with Tigre- constantly moans about how unutterably boring she is. Sitting at my desk as she took the register, I did have to admit that her voice was rather monotonous, but I listened anyway as she read out the notices. Her duties finished, she exited a room now full of drowsy students. Time for lessons. I picked up my bag and waited as Tigre stuffed folders into her own, obviously she hadn’t been in a hurry to get ready that morning. Then we walked to class at Senka’s slightly slow pace as she always walked with a slight limp. It seemed as normal as any other school day, right down to the music lesson.

I have always disliked music: much to my own frustration I have never been able to cope with the subject, the notes on the page could be some kind of undecipherable alien code for all the sense that they make to me and as far as I’m concerned that is exactly what they are. I really can’t fathom how anyone manages to make sense of it, but it’s a subject that Tigre excels at and she is always ready to lend me a hand, which makes the torture a little less unbearable.

Together, Tigre, Senka and I made our way to our first lesson.


 Senka and I tried to stifle our laughter at the end of the day; I was still having trouble believing that Tigre had fallen asleep during maths- to be fair to her though it was algebra; school students worldwide continue to puzzle over what way the nonsensical myriad of letters and numbers might ever prove useful to them.

We were just walking out of the school gates when Tigre suddenly jolted. Senka and I watched in bemusement as she swung her bag off of her shoulder and began to rifle through it in the middle of the school entrance- much to the distress of the people trying to walk out of it. She pulled out a slightly ruffled piece of paper and groaned.

“I forgot to hand in the maths homework, I’m going to have to run to the other end of the school and try to catch Mr Holton before he leaves.” She turned to go before whipping back around again as though she was participating in an unusual dance, “someone come with meeeeee,” she whined.

I sighed, “You realise you’re going to get a really long lecture from Mr Holton about the great importance of homework, don’t you?”

Tigre treated us to her best puppy dog impression.

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