End part one

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A great beast stands in a deserted clearing of the Peryton Forest. The late night mist swirling around her hooves obscures the fact that she stands not with her feet planted amongst the dense underbrush and twisted tree roots but rather hovers slightly above them, on thin strips of solid cloud. The creature's mane flows as if rippled by a breeze, but there is no breeze tonight, it fled, banished with the approach of another powerful being into the forest. And this is what the beast waits for, her head held down and her eyes closed in peaceful contemplation as she bides her time.

The pressure in the clearing increases, the trees bowing their canopies ever so slightly as if in polite greeting and then leaning slowly in the other direction to make room. A hazy figure begins to take form as it moves closer through the thick fog, the roots of trees and the small plants and hedges of the underbrush scrambling out of its path. As it nears its features become more apparent: a great stag with feathered wings folded at his sides and one antler broken off just above the burr. Despite this the peryton holds his head straight and high. The mist flows around him, enveloping his finer features, but the other one present wrinkles her nose at the smell of spring mingled with rotten flesh.

She raises her head and stares at her visitor with dark brown eyes, speaking with a voice like ringing wind chimes: "Silvanus."

The peryton deigns not to answer and she instead finds herself forced to carry the meeting to its point.

"You have come to speak to me about Cat Sidhe's pleas for help?"

"Groups of deishani and spectrumosi are taking creatures of my realm, under my protection captive for unknown purposes.

It is against the laws laid down long ago for animals to be held captive in this way. Either they are killed for survival, taken as a familiar or left alone by those two species.

By all rights I should be able to exact severe punishments, but against a group rather than the occasional individual I may not interfere directly," replied the stag.

"You forget to mention that deishani and spectrumosi belong to my realm and therefore come under my rule and protection, however that can be the only reason that you choose to approach me," she added for him.

"Yes, they are of your realm and only you have full right to punish them as you wish. I am compelled to rescue the creatures under my protection and I would not see them recaptured, or those who broke the old laws go unpunished."

"An attempt to break into their stronghold is ill-advised Silvanus. They do not act as they do without being aware of the ire it causes you: do not allow yourself to be goaded into a trap. For that reason I dare not approach either, you should warn Cat Sidhe to keep his distance also."

"To resist the compulsions of my duties is to fade into the ether and have the forests lose their protector. I cannot avoid this confrontation and neither should you; this situation is your responsibility also," the peryton countered, the anger in his tone rising.

"Have some patience at least, you will not be punished for failing to take immediate action so long as action is taken and while I will not go exact punishment in person I do not plan inaction. Stay away from the enemy stronghold for the good of all; even you should be able to see past your arrogance to the sense in that.

If it pleases you I shall allow you the manipulation of some of the charges under my protection to achieve your goals," she said calmingly.

"And who do you propose that would be capable of toppling an organisation that according to you even the natural deities should cower from in fear?"

"In this forest- one of your many properties- live a number of individuals belonging to my realm, all of which I offer to your use. If you allow me the services of one of your phoenixes I can have two of them in motion by today's first light."

The peryton paused for a few long moments, considering this offer before speaking once more: "So be it, but should your plan fail be it on your head."

With that he strode away, the curtain of the forest opening to let him pass and then descending over his trail once more.


The Sky Demons Part One: JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now