Chapter Twelve- False Fire

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Asher- False fire


 “So what now?” asked Tigre, breaking the silence as we sat around the campfire.

“We carry on with the original plan of course, we’re going to the hideout” said Serry.

“Ah, so that’s our plan,” I thought.

“I know…it sucks,” replied Gensan in my head.

“That’s mean, Gensan. There’s nothing wrong with the plan.”

“Why do you care? No one can hear us anyway. Has she even told them how difficult it is to get there? We need to focus on the real problem- we can’t be on the run for our entire lives, we need to do something about it.”

Serry looked at us; sensing some form of unease.

“Don’t worry, first thing is our safety, when we arrive we’ll discuss what to do next” she explained.

“Well I’m satisfied,” thought Gensan sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

“You know before I linked minds with one I never would have believed it if somebody told me that such cute little creatures were capable of being so pessimistic.”

A loud sigh reverberated through my mind but I received no answer, Gensan curled up by my side and fell asleep almost immediately.


“Good morning” I said as Senka sat up drowsily, she stared at me drowsily for a few seconds before standing up and moving towards the revived campfire.

“You got the cold shoulder there, kid” commented a voice in my head.

“Don’t be so cruel Gensan, she’s probably just still half-asleep,” I replied, as Senka sat beside Tigre and began talking quietly with her.

“We should be reaching the path to the hideout soon.”

Serry stood beside me, watching Senka, Tigre and Nightshade sitting together on the other side of the fire.

I smiled, “Yep. No-one’ll be able to follow us after that. You’ll be able to relax a bit.”

“Yes, but before we go anywhere we need to get hold of more supplies, there won’t be many chances to find any after we get on the path.”

“I’ll help with that. Hey, Senka!”

My new friends’ head whipped up to stare at me, “everyone’s going to collect supplies- do you wanna team up?”

Serry jumped and started babbling at me, looking slightly nervous.

“Uh, Asher, I’m not sure-”

“Nonsense!” I said, cutting her off before she worked herself up too much, “we’ll have fun, come on Senka, let’s go!”

I chose a random direction and began walking towards it, Senka getting up to follow me after a few moments hesitation.

Gensan hopped to my side, “You’re an idiot.”

“What do you mean? I’m making friends.”

“No, you’re really not,” huffed the jackalope.

We wandered through the forest, listening to the birds singing as we looked for animals to hunt and picked plants.

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