Chapter Sixteen- Adventures in Mt. Caralem

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Asher- Adventures in Mt. Caralem


We all watched as she sprang. We all saw her plummet just short of the ledge.


“.... Yes?”

Okay. That was unexpected.

“Serry?” I asked.                                                             


“Oh-my-deity, where are you?” I exclaimed looking around frantically, my hands waving madly in the air.

“Where do you think I am?”

I scrambled towards the edge and peered down to see her clinging to the side of the cliff.

“Are you going to just stand there staring at me or are you going to help me up?”

“Sorry!” I squeaked and reached down to grab her around her upper arm and braced myself against the rocks before pulling her up.

“Thanks,” she said, “so, shall we walk on?”

“Sure” said Tigre smilingly, “but first I must warn you: scare me like that again and I’ll hurl you off this mountain.”

“Huh?” I squeaked again.

“Right, fine,” grunted Serry, “no more cliff jumping or hurling today then.”

“None ever,” hissed Tigre.


“Can we just...go? Now?” said Senka, “In a direction away from the edge perhaps?”

“Right, yep” I said hurriedly, “we just need to climb up a bit and we’ll come straight onto the pathway cut into the side of the mountain. If we follow it we should reach the big passage that runs straight through its base and out on the right side where the forest is.”

Senka turned towards the sheer wall behind us and peered upwards, around fifteen metres up the ledge where the path lay was just barely visible.

“I guess I’ll be hitching a ride with Serefk’na or Nightshade again, huh?” grunted Senka.

“Um, Senka?”


The shade dweller snorted and pranced slightly in place, looking quite happy to be hearing Senka’s voice again and then leapt at the mountain wall, climbing it with surprising agility on his cloven hooves. He reached the top and circled back down to Senka’s side, leaning in close to her.

Nightshade whined and Tigre patted her side, “C’mon girl, you can give Gensan and I a lift up while Serefk’na takes Asher.”

“Does anyone else hear a buzzing?” asked Serefk’na.

“It’s probably just the sound left over from the air rushing past your ears as you fell onto a cliff,” called Tigre as she climbed onto Nighthshade’s back with Gensan gripped tightly under one arm.

“Would you give over?” yelled Serry.

Gensan sighed sorrowfully as Tigre hefted him around like a sack of grain, “Asher, I don’t like cliffs.”

“Don’t worry buddy, I’ll carry you for the next one.” 


“Well, I’m guessing we’ve reached that mountain pass you were talking about earlier,” said Tigre as we all stared into the gaping hole that yawned open in the side of the mountain. As we walked in I found that the passage was even larger than I remembered, being wide enough for all of us to walk through side by side with room to spare and the ceiling invisible as the features of the walls faded into the gloom with height; the floor and lower walls of the cavern on which we walked were lit by strangely coloured, fluorescent mosses and lichens.

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