Chapter Four- Return

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Serefk'na- Return

Tigre and Senka have not stopped bothering me since they got back from school. Those images that appeared when I was attacked have returned with a vengeance, I can't get them out of my head and they are starting to cause serious migraines.

Worst of all, is something I really wasn't expecting. When I woke up the other day, I found that for some reason that I cannot fathom, I had grown a furry white tail and my ears had disappeared to be replaced with those of a wolf's as well- hence the hat I've been having to wear to school. The fact that something's wrong with my senses does not help this situation, well, not wrong exactly. They are becoming sharper and clearer. I can see everything in my room in the most clear focus that I have ever seen anything, I can smell the perfume bottle that is standing on my shelf, but it's my hearing that has advanced the most. I can hear everything: in the kitchen Sarah is singing while she cooks and outside my door Tigre and Senka are arguing about something... battering rams?

Well, Tigre is correct, if they break in here I will brain them with my desk chair, or- even better- for some reason there happens to be a random loose brick in the garden outside.

Although my senses being heightened sounds like a good thing, none of this is helping my headache, just stepping outside into the sun makes my head explode as my sensitive eyes struggle with the light. I am still in pain, am confused by the images and don't get me started on the wolf tail and ears. I consider it a miracle that no one has noticed; although I think that my friends were suspicious about the hat from the moment I put it on my head.

If I just knew why this was happening to me it would help a little bit...

'The spell is deteriorating.'

Where did that thought just come from? There was something strange about it, as though the voice in my head saying those words hadn't even been mine, but someone else's. I gritted my teeth as I attempted to ponder the implications without actually knowing anything about them, was there any truth to what this voice in my head had said? Probably not. Was I going insane? More than likely.

I growled quietly to myself, which surprised me; I had not previously been aware that my throat could produce such a noise and I hadn't thought about growling, I had just suddenly realised that I was producing a guttural noise from within my throat.

I decided to return to the issue of growling later so that I could concentrate on the more worrying problems: as well as possessing a fluffy tail and matching ears, I was now hearing voices.

'The spell is deteriorating.'

I pushed the invading thought to the very back of my mind, attacking it ferociously with other thoughts.

"Don't be so stupid Serefk'na, there's no such thing as spells, or magic for that matter! If that was the case then you'd remember it, wouldn't you?"

It was at this point I realised that rather than thinking the words I was speaking them aloud. I was even more surprised to realise that I couldn't seem to stop talking to myself and I was now saying words that were in a strange, foreign language that I'd never heard before, although it did seem familiar. What surprised me the most was that I fainted immediately after those words came out of my mouth.


It was really dark...I had absolutely no idea where I was. Then she appeared beside me. A girl with my face but with one eye purple and the other grey, both of these eyes were fixed resolutely on her feet. She had long white hair and what looked like wings folded behind her back. She also had wolf ears and a tail.

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