Chapter Twelve

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"Erwin!" I screeched running, almost tripping over my long dress to get to him. My brother was back. My brother was alive.

He whipped his head around from the conversation he was having with our parents and smiled his arrogant grin. His arms spread wide as I jumped into them. "(Y/n). You're okay!"

"Speak for yourself you stupid idiot." I laughed as he let me go.

"Those words mean the same thing. Have you been behind in your studies?" He cocks his head to the side, pissing me off. I punch him in the gut and he huddles over, exaggerating the pain. "Wow. Y-you hit hard."

"Shut u-"

"(Y/n)! Don't hit your brother! He's just won a war for our kingdom! He's had enough pain!" My mother screamed from behind us. He sighs and stands straight

"Guess they're the same as always, huh?" He ruffled my hair and led me away from them. I nodded as we walked the long, echoing corridors. Making sure they were empty of servants and visitors and other frivolous things.

"Yes. As uptight as a bow string." I giggled, patting my now wild hair down.

"Ha!" My brother chuckled as we entered my room, ignoring the gasps of my servants who knew to leave at once.

I poured him some wine, pouring myself some tea instead. Wine isn't good for my head. He took the cup graciously, plopping down on one of my many arm chairs, downing his entire glass. I sat across from him handing him the wine as I sipped my tea.

"Don't ask me about the war." His lips finally gave away from the fake smile he wore all the time. His expression was grim as it always was after a long battle. "Not yet, anyway." He took another long swing, straight from the bottle this time, ignoring his goblet.

"Understood." I take a sip of the warm lemon tea, a perfect cure for this drap winter. I look up over my cup and he is staring at my bed. Not the top, but something poking out from underneath. My breath hitched. "Brother, wai--"

"Are those medical gauze?" He cut me off, standing and walking over to my bed. He reached down and pulled it out, staring at me in disbelief. "Why do you have such a thing?"

I tried not to look at the blood on the end of one of the pieces in fear that he would notice it. "It's nothing, brother. Probably one of my servants being careless." I waved it off, slowly putting my tea down.

"Really?" He rose an eyebrow. "I'll just fire all your servants and replace them myself. Simple fix." He walked to the door.

I dashed after him, yanking the gauze from his hands. "Wait!" He stopped and crossed his arms. "Just wait, Erwin."

"Tell me then, (Y/n). We've told each other everything since we were children."

"I've been...I umm..." I stuttered.

"On with it then." He rushed me.

"I've been learning to fight!" I blurt.


My heart was dancing around my chest like one of those circus freaks that the rich people go to see for fun. She didn't want to quit training yet. She didn't want to quit me yet.

I showed them a pass at the door. A special pass made for only Lady (Y/n)'s guests. I was proud to have it. Though she could've easily taken it away.

I hadn't wanted to leave her yet.

I was a tad bit sick due to standing by in the cold all morning, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I hid my gauze in my pockets to avoid getting her in trouble.

I new the eldest son was now here so we could just practice stance today. I spotted her room and involuntarily ran to it.

"Mi Lady I--" I stopped dead, the door was pushed open halfway, my body fully in the room. If only I had never came today.

"Ah! You must be Levi! The bastard teaching my baby sister to fight." Said the eldest son of the (L/n) family: Erwin.

An: Sorry for the wait.

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