Chapter Fourteen

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I punched a weak, tired punch into Levi's hand before leaning over and putting my hands on my knees. I panted for a second. "Levi?"

"Why are you talking and not training?" He asked, a bit of spite in his voice. He had been harsh to me at any given opportunity since he met Erwin. Yes, I told him about the training. Yes, it was my fault for not hiding my gauze properly like Levi specified. But this was getting old. It had been two weeks since the incident and we had met on three different occasions in that span of time. I had had enough but I wasn't going to push it.

"Levi. Let's take a break." I said, cracking my back as I stretched.

"Why? Are you trying to learn how to fight or learn how to talk?" He glared.

"Why? You want to know why, oh my wounded, hurt, soldier?" I taunted him which earning another glare. "I want you here. A lot. But every time I look at my brother, we launch into a heated discussion about why I see you, why I even let you in this castle, in the first place. And every time he wins. You want to know why? Because he says: 'You don't even know the guy!' and he's right!"

I took a deep breath and went for round two. "Because what do I know that he doesn't know? I tell him your a violinist named Levi. Levi what? I don't know! What family do you have? What are they like? Who knows?! What do you do besides play the violin and come here? No clue! How did you learn how to fight? Nothing! So you want to know why, Levi? That's why. That's why! And I swear if I hear my brother gloat about how I know nothing about you one more time, I will personally kill both of you."

I gasped, my face was hot from my rant. My hands balled at my sides. "Now get out while I change. I'm taking you somewhere." I huffed, sort of guilty for yelling at him but sort of proud I did.


I stood outside the door in silence. I couldn't think of one thing to say that would put her anger at ease. I guess it's good to step back and let someone do the talking. At least it helped me learn that I was being a jerk. Not that I would apologize for it.

She opened the door and closed it behind her, walking off without waiting for me to follow. I liked that about her.

We silently weaved through the castle. I tried to remember which ways we were going but I couldn't. Her long shimmering hair was ever so distracting.

"In here." She'd finally said, walking into an old room. I walked in after her and it took my breath away.

On the walls were portraits of famous musicians I had only heard about. The floor was sturdy and wooden, great for sound. To the right was rows upon rows of instruments. More than I've ever seen or even known about. They were exotic and different, probably not just from around the kingdom but from around the world.

I did spot several different types of violins in the mix and I was aching to play them.

In the center of the room was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. There was a huge piano, black and gold, gorgeously crafted. But the most important part was the amazing girl who sat on its bench. The windows that took up most of the back wall brought in the perfect amount of light that made her look like she was a glowing angel. I stood there, not wanting to disturb the beauty.

She lifted the fall board delicately. Her perfect hands fell on the keys as if she knew she was going to play something breathtaking. She stopped suddenly and turned to me.

"Why are you standing there, Levi?" She asked, all the anger she had before seemed to be gone now. She removed one of her hands from the keys and patted the space she had left for me on the seat. "Sit you idiot." She smiled and it took me a second to register what she had said.

I moved to sit next to her, though there wasn't much space on the bench due to her long dress so I sat on the edge. She got ready to play but stopped again. She hooked her arm through mine and yanked me closer so I was sitting on her dress and our shoulders were brushing.

I didn't think I could live without her any longer. She was as important as breathing to me.


I watched Levi. He was completely awed. Probably by the vast number of instruments in the room. He was staring at me with this cute dumbfounded expression like he had no clue what to say.

I knew what I wanted to say. I wanted to say that the open windows let in a breeze that shifted his air slightly which I thought was beautiful. I wanted to say that his eyes were the most gorgeous color in all the lands and my personal favorite. I wanted to say that when he first stepped into the room and he scanned his surroundings with these curious-filled round eyes, I almost forgot to breathe. I wanted to say that I wasn't mad anymore because he was here, in my sanctuary, and I didn't want it any other way.

I rested my hands on the keys again, not bothering to hide my blush because of his strong arm that touched mine.

I took a deep breath and began.

An: This song is called Nocturne Op.9 No.2 composed by Chopin. It wasn't composed in the Middle Ages but it's a good song. Listen along if you want. The song is the video by the title.

I let my fingers take over. I had played this song a thousand times. "I'm not an expert in piano as you are in violin, I only know this one song." I said to him. Maybe if I talk to him about me then he'd talk about himself.

"It's beautiful. I think I heard it before but in violin version." He whispered as if he was afraid to break my focus. I leaned against him to reach the higher notes.

"Really? Maybe if you learn it we can play sometime?" I suggest as I watched his face, cautious about his reaction.

"I would love that." He says and...smiles just a little bit. I almost stop playing. He looks at me with concern which melts my heart.

"Umm... I..." Levi stutters. I've never seen him stutter before. "I never met my father. My mother died only years after I was born. I have an uncle named Kenny, but we no longer speak. I live with two people who I consider my family. Isabel and Farlan. I don't live anywhere near here. Which you know. I live in the slums. I uh... Stole my violin from a rich person when I was young and taught my self. I like the way it sounded." He glanced at me to gauge my expression and all he found was a smile.

"What?" He asked, defensive as always.

I smiled wider. I couldn't stop smiling. "Nothing. Just thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving me the most important information. Now when I talk to my brother I can tell him that I know I love you and that's all that matters."

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