Chapter Six

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"I will absolutely not marry you." I calmly smiled as best as I could manage. My boiling anger burned my insides and threatened to release some very impolite steam. I didn't love Eren. I didn't want Eren.

Eren seemed surprised by my blunt, out of the blue statement. We sat at an elegant round table on my beautiful balcony in late afternoon. We were quite the entire time and I took it upon myself to answer the lingering question that suffocated the air.

He folded his napkin on the table as if he needed time to process. "(Y/n)... I was betrothed to you since before I could walk."

The angry steam finally began to hiss out of my ears. "Since before you could walk? I thought you said for only years!"

He cleared his throat. "I obviously didn't want to scare you with our sudden engagement, you see."

"Sudden!" I scoff loudly and throw my napkin over my untouched lunch. "Listen to me Eren Jaeger! I will not marry you if it's the last thing I do!" I balled up my fists under the table.

Eren's act of innocence fell away and an angry, harsh, glare immediately replaced it. "You will marry me. You are a mere woman. A woman with fake power and money that will be mine once we marry."

I recovered my shock quickly and returned the glare. How fake! How prideful! How evil! "This 'mere woman' will have you thrown into the dungeon at once!"

"And the lifelong alliance between our families? How we both share favor with the king? How we help each other get what we want? You'd break generations of trust for what I may or may not have said?" Eren smirked and it quickly turned into a plastic smile as he stood and tucked his chair underneath the table.

"Enjoy your evening, my future bride." He actually sounded genuine for a man eating snake.

I crossed my arms and ran my hands down my face several times and stood up to head to my hand maidens room. I needed her to deliver a letter for me.

I need someone not fake. I need someone sincere. I need someone... Untainted.

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