Chapter One

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I looked through the window. It's funny how differently you see things after you hit realization in your life that everything is not a fairy-tale. When I was little,my dad would tell me stories about how the princess always ended up with her prince, but in life, that is not how it turns out. Today was the day that I got humiliated in front of my whole school. Erik, my jerk ex-boyfriend, broke up with me during lunch, and he didn't even have the decency to do it when we were alone. No, he broke up with me like 5 minutes before lunch ended. So I went through the rest of the day with bright red eyes and every time I left a class I was immediately surrounded by my best friends who were constantly asking me if I was okay. I felt really bad, because every time that I thought I had gotten over the fact that just hours ago my boyfriend had broken up with me, someone would bring it up again. I thought we would be dating through out college, longer even, since we had been dating for three and a half years now. 

Thank God that it was Friday, though. I went home and went directly to my room, and laid on my bed and cried. It had probably been fifteen minutes before my best friend, Taylor, knocked on the door. 

"Nina?" She asked. "Can I come in?"

I get up and open the door. She takes one look at me, and looks really sad. She puts her long blonde hair into a ponytail. She is wearing her Coca- Cola shirt and her denim shorts. She also had on her cute homeade jewelry. Her ever present hand sized ring lighting up my room with sparkles.

"Oh goodness! Oh my, I am so sorry! I came as soon as I heard!" She went into my bathroom and came back out with tissues. "Oh sweetie, you look horrible. you want to tell me what happened?"

I looked at her, confused, "I thought you said you heard!" This would probably be a good time to mention that she goes to a different school than most of my friends and I go to. They put her in advanced classes freshman year, but they didn't have the classes that she needed to take, so they transfered her to the 'smart school' and we like to call it.

"Well, Kylie just told me that he- y'all broke up. I don't know the minor details." I looked up, glaring at her. "Oh, did I forget to mention that I brought chocolate?" Her eyes lit up, knowing that that would be the only reason that I would get up.

"Tay, I don't even know why he broke up with me!" I manage to say through sobs.

"Oh, Nina, I am so sorry!" She looked like she genuinely felt sorry for me, but knowing her, I know that she had way more problems to deal with than to try to fix my shattered heart.

I grabbed the chocolates, and tried to grin at her, failing misserably. "Hey, weren't you supposed to have, like, an aniversary date with Jarrod, or something?" 

"When my best friend of twelve years is suffering from a broken heart? Um I don't think so. There will always be other dates, and we can make them just as special." She retorted, she even added a very fake sounding snort.

I burst out laughing. "We both shouldn't loose our boyfriends in one day!"

She winked at  me, "I don't care about loosing Jarrod, he'll just come begging for me to take him back in a few days." She replied cockily. Tay and Jarrod have an on-again off-again relationship, they fight and then a few days later make up. But between those few days when they aren't together, they both find some other person and well, the rest is split up over the weekend... and quite frankly, though I love Taylor, it is weird for me to think about my best friend being that way.

I shoved a chocolate in my mouth. "You don't think that he was cheating on me do you?" I felt a pang in my heart, hoping despratly that she would say no. I couldn't even picture him... I didn't want to, after all I was trying NOT to start crying again!

She looks at me, I can tell she is trying to figure out what to say."Umm... Well, there isn't really a way to know, now is there?" I can see that she is trying to be careful; trying not to hurt my feelings. "I do think I saw him at Starbucks with Amanda Barison..."

"What the hell! I can't believe this! She was trying to get my boyfriend before he even decided to break up with me! What kind of crap is this? Why in the hell didn't you tell me?" I fumed.

"I didn't think it was important, I mean they used to be really good friends. I'm soo sorry, if I would have known, I would have told you sooner!" She looked frightened. She knew that I have bad problems with anger, and someone could possibly get hurt badly by her just telling me this important information.

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