Chapter Eight

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Becks POV

I walked into the high school and looked around everywhere, not seeing Nina. I go to my locker, put my books in, grab a spiral, and shut it. I look up to see Nina walking towards me with a smile on her face.

"Beck! You decided to come today!" She said excitedly, with a slight smile on her face, which you probably wouldn't be able to see if you hadn't known her for as long as I have.

"Why wouldn't I? I get to spend more time catching up with you, now." I say with a cocky smile on my face.

She raises one eyebrow, "What makes you think I want to spend time with you?" She asks, just as I knew she would.

I grab her by the waist and pulled her into a hug, " Because you love me!" I said in a duh tone.

She pulls away with a smirk on her face, "And what makes you think that?"

"Hmm," I say pretending to think about it, "Because of the way you ran towards me and jumped into my arms last night."

"You are the one who came to talk to me first!" She exclaims, feigning hurt.

"You called me Erik!" I retorted, "Babe, what was I supposed to do? I didn't want you to think I was my asshole of a twin!"

"Who was I supposed to think you were? I hadn't seen you in years! Years, Beck, years. You left me for years without even trying to call me, write or anything!" She said, the tears building up in her eyes.

"Nina, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to start something with you! Please stop crying!" I said pulling her back in close.

"I am so sorry," She muttered in my ear, "I look like such a fool."

"You are too beautiful to ever look like a fool." I told her truthfully.

She pulled back a little bit and smiled at me, "Thank you, but honestly I do," She said, wiping away her tears. "I just missed you so much, and I was so upset." She quickly pulled away and straightened her shirt. Looking at it, I saw it was a Beatles Abby Road shirt. Nice, I thought, I love the Beatles! She is also a Beatles fan, so it makes sense.

"I had no way to get ahold of you, you must know that." I said, sorrowful. "I would have, but I couldnt. I am so sorry."

She searches my face, trying to find the truth, seems to get her answer, and smiles, "Never mind that, I'm just glad you're here now." She gives me a quick hug. "Who do you have first?"

I hand her my schedule, because we both know she can figure out if we have classes together or not fastest.

"Hmm. Let me see," She says scanning the page. "Cool, we have every class together except you're taking Spanish and I'm taking French."

Two girls are approaching quickly, looking pissed off at the sight of us. "Sweet." I say, mildly intrested. One of the girls is short with brown hair and brown eyes. She is wearing jeans and a short sleeved shirt. It looks like a hockey jersey, I think, being I dont really pay attention to hockey. The other girl has long blonde ish hair, that is perfectly straight, and blue-grey eyes. She is wearing leggings, a sweater, and a pair of black and purple vans.

"Regina!" The blonde one calls firmly. "Your not back together with that dick head, are you?"

"Alex, goddammit! You scared the shit out of me!!! Don't do that! No, this is Beck, Erik's twin brother. He was my best friend, and he just moved back." Nina explained, braiding a few strands of hair, like she does when she is nervous.

"Nice to meet you lovely ladies." I say, smiling at them.

"I'm Addison. Hi Beck. were you aware that your brother is a complete asshole?"

"I was aware. Have you seen his face yet?" I ask smirking.

"You didn't!" Nina says in shock.

"So, you're the one who messes up his jaw and eye?" The Alex girl asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded, grinning.

"Nice!" Both girls say, nodding their approval.

"So, where's Chase? Aren't yall like dating or something?" Addison asks Nina.

"I don't know, I think he's supposed to be here by now." She mutters the last part as she checks her phone.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and hide my jealousy.

"You didn't tell me about him," I say to her.

She looks at me and smiles, "Thats because in Elementary school you threatened any boys who wanted to be my friends."

I smirk at her, "Thats because you were my best friend, and I was protecting you. " I grin while adding, "And you did the same to the girls, always starting fights." I shook my finger at her, "You were a trouble maker. I dont know what happened to you, you havent punched anyone yet, are you ill?" I ask mockingly.

She stuck her tongue out at me. "No, I am fine."

"Sure you are." I reply rolling my eyes. I look over at the other girls, and observe that they both are holding back giggles.

The girls engage in a conversation, and i just pull Nina closer to me.

We stay this way for a minute or so until she is yanked away from me. I glare up at the guy who seems to be a few inches shorter than me. He is glaring back at me.

"Chase," Nina squeaked.

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