Chapter Sixteen

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Man, I didn't think a ceremony could be so boring. But I guess when you have over 200 people in your graduating class, it can take a while. Especially when the valedictorian makes her speech like an hour and a half long. Like seriously, can't you just say, "I hated all of you! I'm super smart and had no time for friends, and I hope I don't see any of you at Harvard"? Of course not. She had to make a huge long speech, during which I fell asleep, about all four years of high school. Ok, we all know that high school isn't that important, or interesting, which is why I fell asleep.

After the ceremony, Alex, Addison, Beck, and I went back to my house for our congradulations party. The girls only stopped by for a few minutes, they had their own party to get to at Addison's house, but we promised to meet up tomorrow, and a lot during the summer, so we knew that we wouldn't lose touch during college. I said 'hi' to all the people, and family members that my parents invited over, knowing that there was way too many people here, so they wouldn't know if I was gone for a few minutes. I grabbed Alex's wrist in one hand, and Addison's in the other, pulling them upstair into my room.

"What the hell, Nina?" Alex demanded, looking more amused than stern.

"I just wanted to say, congrats, guys!" I said, taking on a fake nasaly voice. "And I am so glad that we are friends, and I will be looking foward to meeting up with you two during college."

Addison giggled, and did the same with her voice. "Oh Em Gee! I will miss you so much! I can't wait until we get to college. It will be, like, so fun!"

Alex smiled, and goes, "I will make sure we see you then, because life in college just wont be the same without you there." I could hear the truth and sadness ringing out in her, although fake sounding, voice.

"Aww, guys," I said, now in my normal voice. "You are going to make me cry." I start waving my hands around my face, to try and stop the tears from gathering in my eyes.

They laughed, the Alex, acting completley crazy, grabbed Addison's wrist, turned towards me, while pulling them towards the door, "Call me!" She said in the fake voice, again, holding up her other hand in the phone sign. This caused Addison and I to burst into laughter, while Alex was still dragging her out of my room. 

She rolled her eyes, and looked at me, "Talk to you later, girl."

With that they were out of my house, and I grabbed a tissue and looked in the mirror, to make sure that my makeup isn't messed up as I wipe away the stray tears. I hear my door open again, and look up.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.

I smiled up at him, sadly. "Yeah, Alex and Addison just left. I am going to miss them so much during college."

He pulled me to him and we sat on my bed. "They are only going to be a hour and a half away, we can meet up during the weekends or something. And you can face time them. So it's not going to be like without them forever."

"I know. It's just going to be different not seing them every day, you know?"

He nods, and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead. "Nin, your parents are looking for you. Oh, and Ar is here."

I got up, and pulled him downstairs with me, excited to see my sister. I quickly rushed into the kitchen, made myself a drink, and went into the living room, so if they asked, I could just say that I went to the restroom, and got a drink. I spotted Ariel talking to Gam, my great grandma. I rush over, and sneak up behind Gam, putting a finger to my lips, telling Ar not to tell her. I wrap her in a hug from behind, and say "Gam! I can't believe you made it!"

She laughed, and looked down at me, "You think I would miss my grandaughter's graduation. If you do, then you are crazier than my cat. Who, by the way, has started drinking from the faucet again."

Ariel and I looked at each other and giggled. "Gam, when did you get a cat?"

She looks at me, all confused like, "I didn't tell you two I got a cat?"

Ar raises her eyebrow. "No ya didn't, Gam."

She shakes her head, and mumbles. I could have sworn she said, "I thought I told everybody about Wilbur."

I think Ar heard the same thing, cuz she started giggling, which caused me to giggle. Gam looked so lost though, so I asked, "Did you seriously name a cat, Wilbur?"

She nods, still not seeing the problem with naming her cat, Wilbur. Ariel looks like she is about to fall to the floor, so I try and explain it to her. "Gam, Wilbur is the name of the pig on Charlotte's Web."

She furrows her eyebrows, still confused. "Cats can be named Wilbur." She defended.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist, and see Gam's eyes widen slightly, but I continue explaining why Ar is dying from laughter over there. "But that is why Ariel is laughing. She thinks it's funny that you named you cat a name that was given to a pig in a movie." And so do I, I think, silently.

"Oh." Is all she says after my wonderful explanation, and looks at my handsome boyfriend. "Regena, are you going to tell me who your handsome friend is, or is he going to have to introduce himself?" So she thinks he's handsome, too. But now, his ego is larger than it was earlier. Damn.

"Gam, you remember Beckett Brown, right?" I ask, knowing she would remember the little boy that was always around me growing up.

"Why, Beck, look at you all grown up!" She exclaims. "I haven't seen you in years! And then I see you again, and you are just as handsome as ever." Another ego boost for my wonderful boyfriend. Again, damn.

"Gam, as always, it is lovely to see you." He says. I turn my head slightly, and look at him. He had a huge grin on his face. Damnit! I knew it! I looked down at me and kissed my forehead, which earned him a light slap on his arm. Like, seriously, babe, we are in front of Gam! You can't just do that. She looks inbetween us with a smile on her face. Damn, she also has a knowing look in her eyes.

Beck looks down at me again, with a smirk. I just shoot him a scowl. This causes Ariel to burst out laughing again. Now, I shoot my scowl at her.

"Anywho, girls, I am so glad to see you two. But I better be getting on to talk to your mother, who may or may not be very frusterated with me." Gam says, with a smile, starting to walk towards the devil, I mean my mother.

"Okay, Gam, we will see you before you go, then. Right?"

She shoots this smile at me, "Of course, Nina."

~         ~         ~         ~          ~          ~        later   that   night        ~         ~         ~         ~         ~        ~         ~

"Babe, are you staying here tonight?" I question Beck, feeling the sleepiness hit me.

He looked at me, and smiled. "Of course, sweetheart."

I grin, "Good, let's go upstairs." I started up the stairs, towards my room, with him in tow.

I get to my room, and take his t shirt off of him, winking at him, then motion for him to turn around. He pouts for a second, then does as I tell him to. Probably because I shot him the meanest glare ever.

I take off my sweats and my tank, and pull on a sports bra, then I pulled on his shirt, and jumped in the bed. I glance at him, "Baby, you can get in bed now." 

"Of course sweetheart." He said, turning around, and walking towards my bed. He pulls his sweats off, as well, and gets into bed. I feel his arm wrap around me, and I get pulled towards him. I press my face into his chest, and smile. "I love you." I tell him.

I know that he is smiling in my hair. "I love you, too."

"Night, handsome."

"See you in the morning, gorgeous." I smiled into his chest, and fell fast asleep.

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